The blockade will last until March 28 at the Corona summit, but it will also be relaxed


Germany Prime Minister’s Conference

The blockade will last until March 28; the first easing from Monday

The federal and state governments want to extend the confinement in principle

The lockdown to combat the corona pandemic in Germany will run until March 28. The German Press Agency learned of this from various sources from deliberations of the federal and state governments. More on this from WELT reporter Michael Wüllenweber.

The Prime Ministers of the federal states and the Federal Chancellor agree to extend the closure until March 28. However, the first easing should take effect from Monday, for example, in private meetings. Merkel speaks of the “transition to a new phase”.

DThe blockade to combat the corona pandemic in Germany will be fundamentally extended until March 28, but with many opening options depending on the infection situation. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and federal state prime ministers agreed on this in Berlin on Wednesday, according to their decision document.

First Relaxations should in Monday It will enter in vigor. The strict limitation private contacts in the fight against the corona pandemic will relax. Starting next Monday, private meetings between the home itself and another home will be possible again, but limited to a maximum of five people plus children up to 14 years of age. If the number of infections is low, even more contacts are allowed

Garden markets, flower shops, and bookstores may open under certain conditions.

as well Garden centers, Floral Y Bookstores It can reopen nationwide as of March 8, but with conditions. These include hygiene concepts and the restriction to one customer for every ten square meters (for the first 800 square meters of sales area) and one additional customer for every additional 20 square meters of sales area.

To speed up the slow march Corona vaccines General practitioners and specialists should participate more widely than before by the beginning of April at the latest. Starting next week, the federal government will cover the costs of a Corona Rapid Test per week for each citizen.

The resolution contains a call Emergency break, The easing could be lifted again: if the incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants rises to more than 100 in three consecutive days, the stricter rules that still apply until Sunday will re-enter into force from the second business day next, and the possibility of reunions will reappear limiting your own home and one additional person.

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Benjamin Maier is a physicist and modeller.  He researches the spread of infectious diseases at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

Angela Merkel sees Germany once again on the threshold of a new phase of the crown pandemic. This phase could not be entered carelessly, “but with justified hopes,” Merkel said after her nine-hour consultations with the heads of state governments in Berlin. Much has been achieved in Germany in recent months. “The spring of 2021 will be different from the spring of a year ago,” Merkel said.

Vaccinations by general practitioners should start at the beginning of the month.

According to Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, the Luca app will also play a role in Thuringia in the future. Also, the incidence value of 35 is apparently off the table.
