The blockade will last until April 18, with no exceptions for Easter


Germany Bund-Länder Summit

The blockade will last until April 18, with no exceptions for Easter

Closure, vacation, curfew? This is how the Corona Summit works

In light of the growing number of infections, the federal and state governments are recommending a further tightening of the crown’s rules. It does not look like openings, the closure must extend. Here you can see live what is still being fought.

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The blockade in Germany will last for four weeks. The federal and state governments agreed on this in their deliberations. There should be no exceptions for family visits at Easter. And there are still many points in dispute.

Band the countries have agreed to extend the blockade until April 18. WELT learned this from the participants. An extension was not disputed, it is said.

As the German Press Agency, “Spiegel” and “Bild” unanimously report, the exceptions to the contact restrictions for Easter are already ruled out. In that case, family visits would not be allowed, as they were allowed at Christmas.

In a Foreign Ministry draft resolution, which has been received by WELT, it was suggested that close family gatherings with four people outside their own home plus children under the age of 14 should be allowed during Easter.

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In early March, the federal and state governments relaxed the contact rules for the last time. Since then, private home meetings with another person have been possible, but limited to a maximum of five people. Children up to 14 years old are not counted. Couples are considered one household.

If municipalities or states pulled the so-called “emergency brake” due to the increasing number of infections, this relaxation would be reversed. On the other hand, only house meetings with another person would be allowed. A final decision on the detailed measures is still pending.

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More than an hour late, the videoconference between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor began after 3 pm Above all, a possible curfew and exceptions for trips to relatives at Easter are controversial.
The “emergency brake” is also being disputed. According to the information of the participants, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, insists that the “emergency brake” with an incidence of seven days out of 100 should not apply to the whole state, but only at the district level.

He had contradicted the mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher, who had proposed tightening the measures to a value higher than 100 in the entire affected state. Söder wants to keep open counties that have an incidence below 100 or even below 50. Therefore, a “regional implementation” is important.

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Police officers control a man in the Gorbitz district as part of a curfew control.  In Germany, a tough lockdown has come into force to contain the corona pandemic.

Shortly after 6.30 pm the summit was interrupted. Merkel advises, according to WELT information, with individual participants where the lines of engagement might lie. As in previous federal and state summits, the Chancellor speaks in favor of stricter crown rules and caution.

In a draft of the Federal Chancellery for the deliberations, which WELT is available, it is warned that the number of new infections will increase so rapidly without clearly restrictive measures “that it is likely that there will be an overload of the health system as early as April.”

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 7709 new positive tests on Monday. That’s 1105 cases over a week ago. The seven-day incidence increased to 107.3 from 103.9 the previous day.

The general closure with the closure of numerous facilities was initially agreed until March 28.
