That’s planned in the federal states


In the regions of the Corona model, there should be a relaxation with a strict test strategy. The plans for this in the federal states are very different. A virologist warns of too much euphoria.

Testing instead of blocking – that’s the idea behind the model projects that will now be gradually rolled out across Germany. In a spatially and temporally limited framework, relaxations must be implemented with a strict testing strategy. The federal and state governments decided on this project at the most recent Corona summit, in some federal states there were already plans in advance.

An experiment has been running in Tübingen since March 15, which is now intended to serve as a model for many other regions. People can shop there, go to the theater, and visit open-air restaurants if they can show a negative quick test.

Virologist warns of too much euphoria

Virologist Markus Scholz from the University of Leipzig views these projects positively, but also warns: “These projects are very suitable for the low incidence phases, not the high incidence ones.” Rapid tests have a sensitivity of 80 percent, which means that one in five infected people is not recognized. “So if there are a lot of infected people, a lot sneak out,” Scholz explains.

Furthermore, it should be clear that while rapid tests are an important component in managing a pandemic, they cannot be a panacea. He also warns against excess euphoria: the number of new infections is increasing exponentially and the test and vaccination strategy is too late to detect it. “So we will have increasing numbers if we stick to the measures we currently have. The model projects will not change anything,” says Scholz.

Here’s what the federal states plan:

Numerous municipalities and cities have already expressed interest in recent days. The individual federal states regulate implementation. You can read what is currently planned here:


In Hesse, several municipalities want to apply, including the largest city in Hesse, Frankfurt, but also Fulda in East Hesse or Büdingen in the Wetterau district. Frankfurt, for example, is planning a model project “under the direction of the health department and with scientific support in selected cultural, event and catering establishments in a limited area.” Culture and events could take place there again, “with the customary hygiene standards currently in place, with rapid negative entry tests and digital tracking of contact persons,” the city announced.


Beginning April 6, the Tuesday after the holidays, outdoor movie theaters, gyms and restaurants will reopen statewide. The prerequisite is a negative daily rapid test. Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) defended the often criticized opening plans. The goal is to provide an incentive for a corona test, “namely, maybe going out for ice cream in a market or playing sports in a club with few people.” With a particularly large number of tests, infected people must be discovered and quarantined, thus avoiding new infections.


Health Minister Klaus Holetschek announced that he would like to select eight model regions next week. “We will select the cities in the Ministry of Health on the basis of certain parameters. Interest is very high,” said Holetschek. So far there are no stipulations, except that there should be one city per administrative district, two from Upper Bavaria. According to a statement from the government of Prime Minister Markus Söder, cities that have an incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants between 100 and 150 come into question.

Numerous cities, including Munich, Würzburg, and Coburg, had already registered their interest. Holetschek emphasized that the selection does not only include those who apply independently. I would also look to see which regions are otherwise suitable.


Saxony had already included model projects in its ordinance before the Crown summit. Two tourism model projects could start soon: Oberwiesenthal and Augustusburg are expected to open to guests starting April 1. The state government gave the green light to the model project, Augustusburg Mayor Dirk Neubauer (SPD) said last Tuesday. The project will have scientific support and should show how openings are possible in pandemic conditions. All guests will likely have to complete a crown test every day. According to estimates, 600 to 1,000 overnight guests could be entertained at Oberwiesenthal every day, he said.


After Easter, Rhineland-Palatinate wants to try cautious steps to break out of the blockade in some model regions. Municipalities with a seven-day incidence of less than 50 could apply, Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) announced. The cities of Koblenz and Neuwied have already expressed interest.

“We want all of thisSupported on T “Dreyer continued. The state depends on Luca’s free app. Regions that want to participate need health authorities that use the Sormas system and Luca’s interface for contact tracking. Also, it should be clear,” such as offices or the retail trade ensures that the hygiene measures adopted are observed, “said Dreyer. In case of abuse, high fines are imposed.” We want to trust the principle that the effort is worth it! “

Lower saxony

The state government is currently working on a new state ordinance that also sets out the provisions for model regions. It is already clear that the state would like to use the “Luca” application. Along with other federal states, the country is negotiating the use of the app, the deputy director of the state government’s Corona crisis team, Claudia Schröder, said on Thursday. Contracts for the use of the application must be concluded by the end of March at the latest.

The State Chancellery did not announce details when asked by t-online, the details are still in the vote. The new regulations will be published over the weekend and will go into effect on Monday. Only then can municipalities officially apply. Numerous cities and municipalities have already expressed interest.


The state government wants to designate model regions in the coming days that can ease restrictions after Easter. Regions can apply for various programs in the fields of culture, sports and tourism, as a spokesperson for the state chancellery told t-online.

As of April 12, open-air catering should also be allowed nationwide if the seven-day incidence in the respective region is less than 100.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The state government will advise on Friday how to implement the Corona Summit decision. Results are expected “sometime in the night,” as the state government spokesman announced upon request.
The state ordinance already provides model tests if the incidence in a municipality remains stable below 35. In the larger city of Rostock, for example, the football club Hansa Rostock played in a pilot project last weekend against 777 spectators who had previously been tested with rapid tests.


The state government wants to make model tests legally possible and to define the requirements for the applications. As a spokesperson told t-online, “incidence value over a certain period of time” will certainly be an aspect. It can take until Monday until there is a final recipe.


Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) has announced an experimental clause, according to which model projects should be possible in restaurants, sports and culture, for example. The new state regulation will be initiated by the state government in the coming days. It is scheduled to be released on Friday. It should go into effect on Monday. Saxony-Anhalt has many applications, Haselhoff said in the “early start” of RTL and ntv. “He has to be armed after Easter.”

The three independent cities of Magdeburg, Halle and Dessau-Roßlau also have the opportunity for events with a maximum of 100 spectators each, as stated by the Minister of State and Culture, Rainer Robra (CDU). Projects should not last more than five to seven days. One of the prerequisites is that the seven-day incidence in the respective city does not exceed the 200 mark at the time of initiation. With model projects, which should then also be possible in rural areas, you want to feel carefully and gain experience, said Robra.


The state government had already included model regions in the state ordinance before the Prime Minister’s Conference. Consequently, projects that do not exceed a duration of five days can be approved. The incidence value in the region must also be below 100.

In Weimar, shops and museums will open from Monday to Wednesday for the next week. Guests must have a current negative corona test. To follow up on contacts, the museum relies on the Luca app and the paper receipts made available by the city.

North Rhine-Westphalia

After Easter, crown constraints will be relaxed in selected model communities along with an I.Supported on T Introduce the concept of proof. The temporary model projects will be implemented in five to six cities and districts, Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) said. Prerequisites are Completely Negative Corona Test Results and I.T systems for contact tracking.

Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann denied a media report according to which the state had already selected Aachen, Warendorf district, Winterberg and Cologne for Corona relaxation.


The “Open with Security” project has been taking place in the city of Tübingen since March 15. Currently, cinemas, theaters and restaurants with outdoor areas are reopening. To make this possible, rapid test stations were introduced across the board. Mayor Boris Palmer has so far drawn a cautiously positive balance. “So far we have 16 days in which the incidence has not increased in Tübingen,” says the green politician t-online. A real evaluation can only be done after Easter. Then the first evaluations of the attached scientific study will be published. “SWR” According to numerous other municipalities they have been applied as a model city.


There are no specific plans in the city-state. “Currently we are more concerned about having to pull the emergency brake,” says a spokesman for the Senate Chancellery t-online. However, there is great sympathy for the project. Therefore, in due course, the Senate will meet with representatives of culture, sports and business.


There are also no concrete plans in Hamburg. A spokesperson for Sentas told t-online that the first thing to do is “slow down and stabilize the dynamics of the infection.” However, the city is in an exchange with various cultural institutions in order to prepare the implementation of pilot projects. “At the moment we cannot say when implementation will be possible.”


The Berlin Senate wants to discuss how to proceed on Saturday. Government Mayor Michael Müller has already emphasized in his government statement that the tests open up new possibilities so that one does not have to react exclusively with restrictive measures.
