“That’s cause for concern”: Berlin has the highest incidence of corona of all federal states – Berlin


Berlin health senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) expressed concern about the epidemiological situation in the city on Monday in the House of Representatives health committee. “The pace of new infections is accelerating,” Kalayci said.

It is particularly concerned about the seven-day incidence, the value of new infections in one week per 100,000 inhabitants. This has risen in Berlin in recent days to 23 (as of Monday at 3pm). “This means that Berlin is unfortunately the national favorite,” Kalayci said, adding: “That is cause for concern.”

In fact, Berlin now ranks first among federal states for new infections, just ahead of Bavaria. In the case of megacities, however, Munich is far ahead of Berlin.

Especially in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, where the seven-day incidence rose to 50.8 according to the latest data from the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab (as of Monday at 3pm), it is becoming increasingly difficult to trace chains of contacts.

Under the direction of the Risklayer company and the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab collects the reports directly from the nearly 400 individual websites of district offices in the federal states and verifies them multiple times. The Senate Health Administration currently gives the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg value as “more than 48.”

More infections also in older people

Kalayci emphasized in the health committee that so far it has been mainly people under 30 who have been infected, but infections among the older population are also increasing slightly. “When the elderly are reached, the number of those who have attended and the dead will sadly rise again.” This is demonstrated by experience abroad, for example in Spain.

Berlins Gesundheitssenatorin Dilek Kalayci (SPD).Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa

In Berlin, people are currently infected first in private homes and secondly due to negligent behavior at leisure. Health officials would inform the administration of many private parties at which people were infected. The health senator strongly cautioned against this.

Health Senator advises against traveling on fall break

In view of the sometimes very high number of corona cases in many European countries, the Berlin Health Senator also spoke out against international travel during the autumn holidays (October 12-26). Holidays in Berlin fall from October 12 to 26. “A pandemic time is not a travel time,” Kalayci said on the committee.

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With a view to increasing the crown number also in Germany, testing capabilities are not only necessary for returning travelers. Kalayci criticized the behavior of some vacationers in summer. She renewed her demand to use testing capabilities not only for sick people and contact persons, but also for nurses, doctors, teachers, and nursery staff.

Crown costs: Kalayci slams Spahn

Kalyci criticized the plan to pass on the costs of the crown to policyholders and health insurers. “I see it very critically,” the senator said on the committee. Especially in the pandemic, employees and employers would already have to carry their financial package.

Last week, Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) announced, contrary to previous statements, that the costs of the pandemic would not be borne by the federal government and reserves. “We were not involved as a country,” said Kalayci, who currently also chairs the Conference of Health Ministers (GMK).

In a phone call on Friday, he discussed this with his counterparts in the federal states “critically”, and they were “shocked” by the announcement. However, it is obvious that the federal states cannot influence this. “No formal participation by the federal states is foreseen.”
