That is what the deputies earn on the sidelines


Not all members of the Bundestag make their living exclusively from politics: some parliamentarians earn hundreds of thousands of euros on top of that. An overview of all additional income.

They work as tax consultants, lawyers and businessmen, some of whom earn huge income from speeches: almost one in three members of the Bundestag earn something in addition to their allowance of a good 10,000 euros a month. This stems from the self-reports that parliamentarians have to submit to the Bundestag and which have been published by the Bundestag administration. t-online has evaluated the data. Before that, the transparency initiative “Abestagswatch” had collected and processed them together with “Spiegel”.

Many parliamentarians have secondary jobs, but earn little or no income from them. Additional income is only mandatory if the income obtained is greater than 1,000 euros per month or 10,000 euros per year.

Top winners at a glance

The main receipts in this legislative period until the middle of the year include not only members of the more entrepreneurial union parties, the FDP and the AfD. Left-wing and SPD politicians sometimes earn well at their side jobs as well. For example Gregor Gysi, who has contributed additional income of at least 470,000 euros. For the prominent left-wing politician, his lectures and legal work are of particular importance. FDP boss Christian Lindner also wins with speeches.

You can use this map to see how much your Member of Parliament is improving his taxpayers’ cash diet with side activities. Shows all electoral districts of the Bundestag. *

The undisputed main source of income in the Bundestag is, at least in terms of sales up to July 31, the independent tax advisor Sebastian Brehm of the CSU. It has contributed at least 3.13 million euros as complementary income. For the self-employed, however, gross sales are indicated on the Bundestag page, so the actual additional income is likely to be significantly less.

The businessman Carl-Julius Cronenberg (at least € 1.54 million, FDP), the tax advisor Enrico Komning (at least € 950,000, AfD) and the strategy advisor Peter Ramsauer (at least € 900,000, CSU) can be counted as others of high income in this legislative period. The social democrat who wins the most in the Bundestag is the pediatrician Nezahat Baradari with at least 450,000 euros until the end of July. With the Greens, Cem Özdemir is the one who earns the most: with almost 40,000 euros, mainly from conferences.

* The map does not take into account constituency 246 (Roth in Bavaria). Marlene Mortler (CSU) left there, as did her successor Astrid Freudenstein. His successor, Tobias Zech, on the other hand, did not run as a direct candidate and therefore cannot be assigned to the constituency.
