Test, nursing homes, ambulances: Spahn charts a new strategy for the fall


In recent weeks, the number of new corona infections has slowly but steadily increased. Health Minister Spahn is now announcing a new route for the cold season. In addition to protecting those particularly at risk, so-called fever clinics play a central role.

With the so-called fever clinics and special protection measures for risk groups, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn wants to arm the country for the dreaded increase in the number of corona infections in the coldest season. For patients with classic respiratory symptoms that indicate a corona or flu infection, there should be central contact points, Spahn of the “Rheinische Post” said. He is counting on the fact that statutory health insurance associations would offer such “fever clinics” on site. “Conceptually, they already exist, ideally they should be widely accessible in the fall.”

According to Spahn, there should be special measures to minimize the dangers for risk groups. “It is important that we continue to protect particularly affected risk groups and refine the concepts for this in everyday life,” said the CDU politician. “This is why preventive serial testing in sensitive areas such as nursing homes is an integral part of the testing strategy for fall and winter. We have to prevent the virus from entering there. highest level of surveillance. ”

Spahn hopes that, in coordination with the federal states, it will be clear by mid-October how the overall testing strategy for fall and winter will be further developed. Rapid antigen tests are also planned, as well as new requirements from the Federal Ministry of the Interior for the quarantine period for returnees from risk areas. Spahn further stated that testing capabilities had been vastly increased. “In the last four weeks alone, about a third of all testing has been done since the pandemic started.”

Meanwhile, after some relaxation, the number of corona cases has recently increased again. On Saturday, the Robert Koch Institute reported 2,297 new infections, the highest value since the first wave crushed in April. On Monday, the agency reported only 922 cases, given the weekend, such a low number was expected: not all health authorities share data, not all laboratories work. ntv.de calculates the number of new infections based on information reports directly from the federal states and therefore always presents slightly different values. Consequently, 1304 new cases were registered on Sunday.
