Test in Vorarlberg: Austria continues to open, but only regionally


Status: 01.03.2021 7:52 pm

Austria relies on regional flexibility: since the incidence in Vorarlberg is quite low, restaurants and cultural institutions must reopen there. Other regions could follow, and tourism should be possible again in April.

Austria now continues on its way of gradually opening up public life at the regional level, despite the significant increase in the number of crown recently. Due to the comparatively low number of new infections, there will be relief in the westernmost state of Vorarlberg from March 15, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced. Sport, culture and gastronomy benefited from it. The seven-day incidence here is 73.

The federal and state governments want to discuss exactly what relaxation will look like in Vorarlberg in the coming days. For the rest of the country, the goal is that at Easter, it is at least possible to dine outdoors. “We started outdoors before we can venture into any more indoor opening steps,” Kurz said.

Like Germany, Austria is divided into federal states. However, they are significantly smaller and, in terms of number of inhabitants, correspond in part to German districts. In Germany, too, there is a discussion about the relaxation of the crown rules at the regional level if the incidence values ​​of certain districts allow it.

Others also want to open up

The criticism came from state politicians in areas with particularly high numbers of infections. For example, the mayor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig, and the governor of Lower Austria, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, spoke out in favor of uniform guidelines across Austria: their federal states, with incidence values ​​of 186 and 194, are down above the national average of about 160.

Green Health Minister Rudolf Anschober warned against premature easing: “Strong growth in some federal states must be controlled.” For example, in particularly affected regions, the FFP2 obligation will be extended at the workplace. Exponential growth must be absolutely avoided. According to Anschober, therefore, a verification should be carried out in two weeks to determine if the initial steps are feasible.

Indoor catering in April?

Extensive testing should play a central role in loosening. About a quarter of the Austrian population is tested each week, he said. In Austria, free home self-tests are available from Monday in pharmacies. They are intended as a personal check, but without access authorization, for example for visiting hairdressers.

Hope is also based on the significant increase in the number of vaccinations in March and April. According to Kurz, the government’s goal is to make tourism possible in April and offer restaurants and cultural companies the possibility of holding events indoors. However, no one can predict the infection process.

Stable situation in intensive care units

At the press conference, Kurz also defended the opening of all stores three weeks ago. This was an important and correct step. Since then, 120,000 people who were previously unemployed or in short-time work have returned to work.

On Monday, 1409 new infections were recorded in one day in Austria. The situation in the clinics and their intensive care units is largely stable.

Austria plans further easing

Andrea Beer, ARD Vienna, March 1, 2021 8:47 pm
