Test failed in Bavaria: delayed results by 10,000 people


The scope of recent problems with the transmission of corona test results in Bavaria is apparently considerable: the Bavarian Ministry of Health announced in response to a BR request that around 10,000 people had to wait more than the promised 48 hours to get the test result. The affected people were tested at a Bavarian airport between Friday and last Tuesday. According to the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), the delays were due to “a technical interface problem in data processing” at the service provider Ecolog.

The Ministry of Health announced that the case has already been resolved. This morning, around 2,000 people were waiting for their test results, at noon only 250. The service provider had promised to send all outstanding results at night. However, all those who tested positive had already been informed. The Minister of Health, Melanie Huml (CSU), stressed that the LGL had determined the delays in the course of “regular control.” This shows that the control is working.

There are also delays in other test stations

According to BR’s investigation, considerable delays also occurred at times at the test stations on the Bavarian motorways and at the main train stations in Munich and Nuremberg. A ministry spokesman said they had also heard that the responsible service provider, Eurofins, said there were no problems. Eurofins itself has yet to comment.

Several test takers had informed the BR that they had to wait up to a week to receive results instead of 48 hours. A Munich resident who had cold symptoms examined at the Hochfelln gas station (A8) told BR about his call to Eurofins: The hotline employee asked him to be patient; Due to the large number of tests, it could currently take up to seven days.

After the first report on the delays on Thursday night, other affected people reported to the BR, which also had to wait several days for its results. They had been tested at highway service stations or train stations.

The ministry sees several possible sources of error

According to the ministry, there are basically several possible sources of error in the transmission of test results. Some of the people screened made mistakes when giving their phone number or email address, and emails with the results often ended up in the spam folder. Also, as the current example shows, there could be bugs in the software.

In particular, test stations on freeways are a “bottleneck,” he said. Up to 16,000 people were tested on busy days and around 6,000 on quieter days. In contrast, the Ministry currently sees no problems with laboratory services.

Labs complain of overload

However, this contradicts the representation of the Association of Accredited Medical Laboratories in Germany (ALM). The latter had informed the BR on Thursday that the Bavarian laboratories also reported “that due to high volume, they are currently unable to process tests on the same day and therefore test results may be delayed for more than 48 hours” .

Bavaria is the only state that offers free corona tests for everyone. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) gave the motto at the end of June: “faster, free and for everyone”.

Greens: Söder test debacle moves to second round

In light of the problems, the Bavarian Green Group renewed its call for the establishment of a Crown Commission and a specific testing strategy. “The debacle of Prime Minister Söder’s Corona test goes to the second round,” said parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze. Test center structures still couldn’t follow the “arrogant announcements” of free trials.

The Söder government had promised improvements, but the consequences of its debacle would extend, the faction leader complained. The Greens are demanding that only those returning to travel, teachers, educators, medical professionals and people with symptoms be screened. Then there will be enough test material in the labs, says Schulze. At the moment, anyone can be tested for a corona infection.

The SPD attacks Minister Huml

Bavarian SPD Secretary General Uli Grötsch attacked Bavarian Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) following reports of recent delays and indirectly demanded her dismissal. She wrote on Twitter that it was very irresponsible to retain a minister who had not been able to control the problems for weeks! “The proportion within the party must not be at the expense of the population!”

FDP health expert writes letter to Söder and Huml

FDP health expert Dominik Spitzer wrote a letter directly to Söder and Huml. In the letter that BR has received, he is concerned about the situation and asks them to change the Bavarian test strategy. “For the fall we need a plan on how we can master the expected rush towards practices and test stations,” writes the FDP politician.

According to Spitzer, the problems are already great: “Laboratories are already at their limit. Doctors have to cancel appointments. Health authorities cannot be contacted.” The Bavarian testing strategy must take into account existing resources, especially personnel, protective equipment and laboratory equipment in laboratories. Söder and Huml should have an idea “before it’s too late for that.”
