Tesla: Gigafactory section of highway is being renovated


In July next year, Tesla wants to start production in Grünheide, near Berlin. Parallel to the planned start of the so-called Gigafactory, the ring of the A10 motorway will be renovated in this section. This was confirmed by the Minister of Infrastructure, Guido Beermann (CDU), in an interview with “Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten” and “Tagesspiegel”. This is the route between the Erkner and Freienbrink interchanges.

“We did not choose the specific cancer finding,” Beermann said. “This renovation is necessary. It is also better if the Gigafactory does it as quickly as possible. ‘Concrete cancer is a colloquial term for a chemical reaction. In particular, it can cause serious damage to concrete made with gravel. The phenomenon is widespread on the East German motorways.

Despite the large number of employees and delivery trucks for the Tesla plant, the minister does not expect any traffic collapse. “The traffic around the Gigafactory will not collapse, not at first or later,” Beermann said. The location already has excellent connections, directly on the motorway and with the nearby rail link Berlin-Frankfurt / Oder-Poland. Construction of a new temporary access to the highway will begin in January.

According to Beermann, Regional Express 1 will play a key role in rush hour traffic. There are also considerations for building a bike route from Erkner to the Gigafactory. “That is also a request from Tesla, we support it.”

“There is no Lex Tesla”

Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) said he expected swift approval of the factory’s construction, but would not exert any influence. “There is no Lex Tesla. The procedure has to be legally safe. “The authorities worked under a lot of pressure and did a” great job, “Woidke said.” Everyone knows what depends on this project for the country, for the region, for all of Germany. “

Tesla can continue building, although a € 100 million security deposit is lacking for potential decommissioning costs. According to the Environment Ministry, Brandenburg agreed with Tesla an extended deadline for filing until January 15. The Naturschutzbund and the Brandenburg Green League see this as a contradiction to statements that there is no special treatment for Tesla. They demand that the company provide a security deposit immediately.

The company had not provided the service on time prior to December 17, following early approval for further deforestation and the installation of machines for the paint shop. Then the work was initially suspended. According to a court ruling, Tesla cannot clear fringe areas to protect sand lizards.

Icon: The mirror
