Terror and WhatsApp: Merkel, Macron and Kurz probably advise on the “master key” for online communication


After the attacks in Germany, France and Austria, Merkel, Macron and Kurz now plan to take joint action against terrorism.

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel plans together with Emmanuel macron Y Sebastian Kurz a tougher crackdown on Terrorism in Europe. They discuss this in Tuesday (November 10).
  • This should also include the European Union contribute. An improvement in the Cooperation between member states at Against terrorism is under discussion.
  • CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer calls for stricter enforcement of existing laws and strives for a Closing ranks with liberal Islamic forces a.

Update from November 10 at 12.55 pm: the Islamist terror fight – that’s what the chancellor wants Angela Merkeland their counterparts from Austria and France, Sebastian Kurz Y Emmanuel macron. From 3:00 p.m., the three will notify The head of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen In a video link, a press conference is expected at 4 pm However, a company report already shows that this undisputed issue could also have highly controversial consequences. ORF.

According to an internal document available to the broadcaster, the German Presidency intends to propose to the Council of Ministers that Encryption by Messaging services like WhatsApp and Signal to restrict. The idea could become the topic of the afternoon, speculates the ORF. In any case, the movement was already so coordinated in the Council that early december It can be approved by the Ministers of the Interior and Justice. Then a longer process would follow: the EU Commission and the EU Parliament can give their opinion.

The report also indicates that it is planned WhatsApp and Co. to provide a „Generalschlüssels“ commit to encryption. So that could be in the first place Secret services again Federal Intelligence Service or the British GCHQ Get direct access to messages and chat history. Recently, the secret services have had less and less access to such virtual communications.

the Chaos Computing Club was alarmed by Tuesday’s plans. “This would make access to secure end-to-end encryption virtually impossible for companies and citizens with less technical expertise,” reads an article on the CCC website. “With little extra effort, criminals and terrorists would still have no problem communicating in encrypted form.”

That the youngest terrorist attacks Really the only reason for the plans are the doubts of the union of hackers and computer security experts. Depending on the “national political climate,” “political extremism, terrorism, or depictions of child abuse” would be used as a pretext to undermine encryption, he complains. In fact, at least the Attack in Vienna no courier surveillance was needed to locate the perpetrator: warnings were already available in Austria in the summer.

Chancellor Angela Merkel at a federal press conference

© Kay Nietfeld / dpa

First report: Munich – Chancellor Angela Merkel * announced with French President Emmanuel Macron Y Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz common envelope Initiatives against Islamist terrorism talk. This is what the participants report in the virtual CDU Presidium Meeting the German press agency.

Chancellor Merkel should look like this in Tuesday (November 10) with the two heads of government in one video conference team up. After the Terrorist attacks in Dresden, Nice and Vienna had CSU * and Greens * one Strategy document for a stricter fight against terrorism it worked. Apparently it will now be expanded through cooperation at European level.

After the terror in Germany, France and Austria: Merkel takes responsibility for the EU

the Cooperation within the EU it will therefore be the central theme of the summit. To this end, according to information from the presidium of the CDU, also Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission Y Charles Michel, Leader of the Council of the EU round. the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the EU I should discuss it the following Friday. And also within the next EU summit become the subject Counter-terrorism cooperation thematic, it is said.

Fight against terrorism in Germany and Europe: AKK calls for stricter enforcement of the law

To the Danger of Islamist terrorism fight is one coordinated cooperation between police and security authorities authorized said CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer according to the information of the participants of the presidium meeting. The focus should be on that Radicalization post and on Location of criminals in German prisons be talked about, he further emphasized. the better enforcement of existing laws and the Deportation of people in danger are important points for Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to work with Islamic forces: “abused for terrorist purposes”

The discussion seems to focus exclusively on Islamist terrorist threat. “There can be no lawless areas in our society in which hatred and intolerance are defended,” the CDU leader is quoted as saying: “It cannot be in the interests of moderate Islamic believers that their religion is abused for terrorist purposes.” . Of course, the religion of Islam is neither responsible nor liable for atrocities committed by extremists.

This is how Kramp-Karrenbauer strives to achieve one Closing ranks with liberal Islamic forces to. It must be a international alliance for the promotion of a moderate cosmopolitan Islam being propelled forward, he explained. Organizations of liberal movements of Islam in Germany there are, for example, the Liberal-Islamic Federation, the Muslim Forum of Germany, the Association of Democratic-European Muslims or the Center for Islamic Research and Promotion of Women. (moe) * Merkur.de is part of the Ippen publishing network.

Header listing image: © Kay Nietfeld / dpa
