Television talk with Anne Will: the Chancellor probably has the wrong advisers – media – society


“People are fed up!” The exclamation did not come from a populist screamer, but from Volker Bouffier, the prime minister of Hesse. And he was probably expressing what most people feel about the discussion about the end or continuation of the blockade. Above all, the Chancellor, who was the widely accepted leading figure in public debate for many months, can no longer pass.

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Now his minister of state, Helge Braun, is visiting Anne Will, who is also a doctor. There are also: Ranga Yogeschwar, one of the most famous German science journalists; Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, former Liberal Minister of Justice; Christiane Woopen, President of the European Ethics Council; the musician Smudo, invited less for his role in the popular hip-hop group “Die fantastischen Vier” than for inventing an application that can be useful for tracking the routes of infection in visitors to public events.

After 60 minutes, you really don’t know what to fear more: the ever-new mutations of the virus, or the federal government talking for so long about what to do that the corona virus paralyzes the race against the lame decision. Manufacturing processes will win out anyway.

There was a dichotomy between the guests on this show: there was a dynamic part and there was a retarding element. Christiane Woopen, professor of ethics and theory of medicine, was particularly dynamic. He clearly promoted a change in strategy: as people are emotionally drained, existentially threatened, and tired of the lack of prospects, there must be careful and accompanying openings, with vaccinations, new tests, and constant information. You need an app for that, and it has to work for everyone.

This is exactly what the musician Smudo, who developed such an app, committed himself to. It is not as useless as the official warning app, but it allows tracking of infection routes with a QR code. There is also data protection there, but not perfected to the point of rendering it unusable. In short: What good is data protection if it does not warn of the transmission of infection?

So what do you have to do? Implement knowledge. You need a concept. This is what science journalist Ranga Yogeschwar said (vaccination saves lives). FDP policy Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger said that in more words, but essentially it is no different.

And Helge Braun? At some point Anne Will asked him, almost lost: I am not telling you that it is urgent … Braun had previously formulated that we would have to talk about tests in the next few days … And then: they need a uniform information system …

It can be anything, but we are not talking about a theoretical debate, but about current needs. The fact that Braun, who is himself a physician, with his cautious approach to the subject is actually his mistress’s servant, was made clear in a clip with a quote from Merkel: “We have to look very carefully if we can find a buffer … “And then the Chancellor spoke of rapid tests!

Overall impression: the Chancellor probably has the wrong advisers. Or you chose the wrong advisor. If we don’t want the virus to invade us, something has to change. It could become a matter of survival. On Wednesday the federal chancellor and prime ministers will meet again. It may well be that, depending on the result, Volker Bouffier’s phrase “People are fed up!” It takes on a whole new meaning.
