Teachers and students had to stay at the Berlin school for hours – BZ Berlin


Big alarm at the Max-Taut-Oberstufenzentrum in Rummelsburg! Nearly 1,000 students and teachers had to stay in the school building for nearly five hours on Friday before police could release the building again.

By Jörg Bergmann, Isabel Pfannkuche and Olaf Wagner

A bad joke or a serious threat? No: A false alarm, as it turned out in the afternoon!

Breathe in relief after the end of the mission around 3 pm “There were no injuries or violence. Nothing that can be associated with a riot, ”said a police spokesman.

Felix Klebe (18): “A couple of my friends are there.  After the frenzied alarm, they barricaded themselves in their class and sat under the tables.  I'm not afraid, I think it's a false alarm ”(Photo: Jörg Bergmann)
Felix Klebe (18): “A couple of my friends are there. After the frenzied alarm, they barricaded themselves in their class and sat under the tables. I’m not afraid, I think it’s a false alarm ”(Photo: Jörg Bergmann)

At 10 in the morning the situation was even more confusing: the crazy alarm went off. Students and teachers who had just returned to classes and the building after the court break had to lock themselves in classrooms. “Please barricade your doors,” it was said over and over again in a loudspeaker announcement.

And so? Quiet. Nothing happened. More than one hour. Fear and tremors at school. The students crouched on the ground under the window sills. A potential shooter should have no goals.

Frederike Farkas (16): “My friends may be at school, but they are relatively relaxed.  We don't know if there really is a gunman there.  The police keep sending us further away from the building ”(Photo: Jörg Bergmann)
Frederike Farkas (16): “My friends may be at school, but they are relatively relaxed. We don’t know if there really is a gunman there. The police keep sending us further away from the building ”(Photo: Jörg Bergmann)

The police were stationed around the building with 80 officers, including men from the Special Operations Command (SEK). The fire department was also on the scene with 25 paramedics and emergency medics. The police blocked the streets around the school.

Ole Leesch (17): “Two friends of mine were in class when the alarm went off.  We chatted a bit.  One of my friends is really scared.  I'm very happy not to be there and to be in your skin ”(Photo: Jörg Bergmann)
Ole Leesch (17): “Two friends of mine were in class when the alarm went off. We chatted a bit. One of my friends is really scared. I’m very happy not to be there and to be in your skin ”(Photo: Jörg Bergmann)

The heavily armed officers then combed the school room by room. The hours passed again. Concerned parents gathered outside the middle of the high school: “My son Faton wrote me that there was a crazy alarm and that he was locked in the room. Of course you worry! “Said his father Norzim Kelmeni.

Finally the redeeming news came: the students were able to gradually leave the building.
