Five-time professional boxing world champion Felix Sturm has to go to prison. The Cologne District Court sentenced Leverkusen, 41, to a three-year prison sentence.
It used to be celebrated and he was a world champion of professional boxing five times. But now former athlete Felix Sturm has to answer for tax evasion, anti-doping law violation, and assault. The judge found Felix Sturm guilty of tax evasion and two cases of attempted tax evasion. The prosecutor had previously estimated the tax damage at more than one million euros.
The prosecutor had given the super middleweight a prison sentence of three years and three months, while Sturm’s lawyer, Nils Kröber (Cologne), wanted a maximum of two years of probation for his client.
Anti-Doping Law Milestone
Judge Marc Hoffmann assured Sturm that he was partially admitted and that his defense had done a good job at the trial. “In the end, we asked ourselves if this would be enough for a suspended sentence and we arrived at the clear answer: No,” said the president.
The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) welcomed the harsh verdict. “The decision of the Cologne Regional Court to sanction Felix Sturm for violating the anti-doping law and for bodily harm is very remarkable,” the agency said. “It is an important milestone for anti-doping law and can also point the way for future criminal proceedings,” he said.
You can see how the verdict against Felix Sturm is justified in the video above or by clicking here.