Tanja (Senta-Sofia Delliponti) will soon cause a stir in the neighborhood again


Mega comeback in “Good Times, Bad Times”: Senta-Sofia Delliponti (30) will be back in front of the camera for a few weeks in Potsdam-Babelsberg for the summer of 2020. In the video we show how the role of GZSZ Tanja Seefeld finally Oonagh became a musician and what the actress says about his return.

Tanja Seefeld becomes Oonagh

From December 2010 (ep. 4,630) to June 2013 (ep. 5,264) Senta-Sofía Delliponti was filmed as Tanja Seefeld for GZSZ. After that, he successfully released four albums under the stage name of Oonagh, receiving multiple gold and platinum awards, among other things. twice the echo

The exceptional artist now crowns her musical successes with a very special Best Of Album, which will be released on September 4, 2020 and also announces additional dates for her “A New Time” tour for 2021.

Review: This is how Tanja confused the neighborhood

From 2010 to 2013, Tanja Seefeld caused a stir at Kolle-Kiez. Her family, and especially her mother Maren (played by Eva Mona Rodekirchen), kept her busy. Tanja never wanted to go to school, she lived her life the way she wanted and turned her head around the children.

Her search for her musician father was successful, but not what she expected. Many tears flowed, hearts broke, and he was not always harmonious with his sister Lilly (played by Iris Mareike Steen).

Tanja finally packed her bags, wrote her sister a farewell letter, and headed to Australia to start again.

Catch old GZSZ episodes with Tanja on TVNOW
