Syringes without refrigeration: the vaccine had to be disposed of at the Berlin vaccination center “Arena” – Berlin


In the Berlin vaccination center in the “Arena” it is said that the vaccine was discarded, apparently because it had been prepared in syringes for too long. According to information from Tagesspiegel, there were some cans that could not be used quickly enough in the first few days after opening.

The vaccine is drawn into syringes from the ampoules provided, which must then be used within two hours. Cans that have not been subsequently used, that is, that have been injected into the patient, are discarded.

The RBB reported on Monday. On Friday, a doctor informed the Tagesspiegel of a possible incident of this type. Another doctor said Monday that ten syringes should have been thrown away. That would be the material of two vials, because one vial of the current Biontech and Pfizer vaccine contains at least five doses.

Pharmacists contracted through Bayer and Berlin Chemie prepare the vaccine in the vaccination center of the Treptower Arena. The extracted syringes are then placed by doctors who have been mobilized by the Association of Health Insurance Doctors (KV) responsible for outpatient care.

The German Red Cross coordinates the processes before and after vaccination. The actors were commissioned by the administration of Berlin Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD). He said in the evening that such cases could be prevented in the future by vaccinating helpers with unnecessary syringes on short notice.

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Around 500 Berliners were vaccinated in the sand on Monday, most of them elderly people and care workers. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) publishes the number of people vaccinated by federal state. On Sunday, almost 18,000 Berliners were vaccinated against the corona virus. On Monday, at least 2,000 mobile teams were added that vaccinate in nursing homes.

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Kalayci had said a few days ago that there were not enough shots to make more appointments. The senator told the RBB on Monday that the infection figures in Berlin “remain worrying.” There are around 5000 new infections per week.

Kalayci called for a prolonged lockdown, and government mayor Michael Müller (SPD) made a similar statement. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of government of the federal states will discuss it on Tuesday.
