SWR Extra on the “next blockade” in Rhineland-Palatinate – SWR Aktuell


New daily highs for new corona infections and deceased: Calls for stricter measures are getting stronger. Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) is now talking about a possible shutdown.

After today’s meeting of the Council of Ministers, Dreyer will give a “statement on the upcoming closure,” according to a press release from the State Chancellery. Details have not yet been released.

Dreyer had already spoken out in favor of an actual lockdown Thursday in light of the growing number of infections. In the state parliament, he said that the partial lockdown had not had the desired result because the numbers had not dropped as expected.

“We had different expectations of this partial lockdown,” Dreyer said. Therefore, it is perfectly clear to her: “There is no place for relaxation on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.” You stop completely on the subject of the confinement. “We should use the Christmas break to get to a real lockdown.”

For this reason, conversations have been going on at the federal level for many days to find very good solutions together. “And I hope we make this decision soon, over the next few days,” Dreyer said.

Soon for full lockdown

The leader of the CDU parliamentary group, Christian Baldauf, had previously called for a full nationwide shutdown since Monday. The current infection process can no longer be controlled in any other way. Soon, the federal and state governments called for unified action. The situation is so dramatically dire that no more time should pass. Only with a joint effort is it possible to break the dangerous chains of infection, said Baldauf.

“The federal and state governments must act quickly”

Baldauf suggested that the heads of state and the Federal Chancellor meet on very short notice to decide on the measure and then implement it together. Specifically, public life must be reduced as much as it did with the first shutdown at the beginning of the pandemic.
