Swords of hope: RKI: more than 18,000 people vaccinated


Swords of Hope
RKI: more than 18,000 people vaccinated

While vaccinations against the corona virus begin in Halberstadt in Saxony-Anhalt on Saturday, the rest of the republic will follow suit on Sunday as scheduled. At vaccination centers and through mobile teams, the Robert Koch Institute is now collecting information on how many people have already been vaccinated.

One day after the official start of vaccinations against the corona virus, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) published the first figures on progress. According to this, more than 18,000 people have already been vaccinated. According to this morning’s figures, the total number (at midnight without Hessen) of those vaccinated is 18,354. These include more than 10,000 nursing home residents and more than 5,900 employees in the healthcare sector. However, not all countries show the indication for vaccination.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the majority of people were vaccinated with 5,405 doses administered, followed by Bavaria (3,389) and Baden-Württemberg (2,084). Last in the ranking is Thuringia with 99 doses of vaccine administered. In Saxony-Anhalt, where vaccinations had already started the day before (December 26), 1,504 people were vaccinated.

The authorized personnel of the vaccination centers and vaccination teams can enter the data through the web application “Digital Monitoring of Vaccination Rate” and transmit it daily to the Bundesdruckerei via a secure Internet connection, where the data is temporarily stored and accessed daily on behalf of RKI.

The highest priority when vaccinating against the virus is given to people aged 80 or over, as well as to all those who are cared for or work in hospital centers for the treatment, care or care of elderly or needy people. They also include anyone who works in intensive care units, emergency rooms, emergency services, or vaccination centers. Among the first vaccinated on Sunday morning were a 101-year-old woman in Berlin, a 95-year-old woman in Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia and a nurse in Frankfurt am Main.

On Saturday, Edith Kwoizalla, 101, received the first dose of the vaccine at a nursing home in Halberstadt, Saxony-Anhalt. The district had previously asked if the facility was ready, said operator and nurse Tobias Krüger. “Every day we wait is one more day,” he said. According to the information, a total of 40 neighbors and 10 employees of their facility were vaccinated.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn was satisfied today with the start of vaccination at the national level. “It was a good start,” he told ZDF. Over the weekend, the first people in Germany and the other EU countries received the vaccine from the companies Biontech and Pfizer.
