Swedish parents in Corona panic: children isolated in rooms for months – apartment door ‘nailed’


  • Jennifer lanzinger

    ofJennifer lanzinger


For fear of being infected with the corona virus, a pair of parents locked their three children in their rooms for four months. Now the children have been released.

  • To protect your children from getting the Coronavirus To protect, parents in Sweden have taken an incredible measure.
  • The three children were isolated in their rooms for four months.
  • Now the three teenagers have been released.

Jönköping: The coronavirus * is spreading more and more in the world, many people are worried about being infected with the virus *. A couple left worried about their children Sweden but now too incredible Methods attorney. the Parents Should their three children in the flat have locked up.

Corona in Sweden: parents lock their children in their homes for fear of the pandemic

As now the dpa quoting the lawyer the family, Mikael Svegfors, explains that the three children were now at the behest of a court in southern Sweden Jönköping taken from the family. Children must be three Teen act between the ages of ten and 17. They were locked in the apartment for about four months, apparently out of fear of the corona pandemic *.

But the three children were not only locked in the apartment, they were also locked in their own rooms. As of Court order shows, they shouldn’t have had any contact with each other. As the dpa reports, the parents are even said to “nailed” the apartment door. Radio station explained.

Corona in Sweden: parents even isolate their children from each other

the Parents According to Svegfors, he comes from “another part of the world” and only a broken Swedish speaks. The two would have followed the news from their country of origin, the strictest Exit restrictions how Sweden the lawyer explained. It is not known which country the family comes from.

Different from the rest European countries Sweden had not ordered any exit restrictions during the Corona crisis * and also left most schools open. The strategy is controversial: with more than 5,800 deaths from corona and 84,000 cases of infection, Sweden is one of the most affected countries.

Video: Covid problem child in Sweden: the slack is gone

She attended the Corona show in Berlin and called in sick shortly after. However, the employee of a retirement home was silent about her participation in the demonstration. Now she has been fired. American researchers have now investigated how different masks and visors can protect against infection. It is not uncommon for a coronavirus infection to aggravate the disease. German researchers are now reporting a disturbing new observation.* merkur.de is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide

A woman was thrown from a playroom because she cannot cover the hole in her throat, which is necessary due to cancer.
