Sweden’s corona death rate is causing a stir


The corona pandemic has already cost 2.6 million lives worldwide. There are differences in the development of the mortality rate in Europe, with clear outliers.

The world has been battling the corona pandemic for more than a year. Now more contagious mutations are spreading, blocking measures are tightened or relaxed. And thousands of people continue to die from the virus every day. There are clear differences in European countries.

Sweden’s special route last year without a strict blockade led to high death rates there, especially the elderly and nursing homes were affected. Meanwhile, the country has stepped up measures to contain the pandemic, but schools and daycare centers, retailers and restaurants remain open. The fact that the restrictions are so moderate in Sweden is causing a debate in the country. The number of new infections is well above German values.

However, the comparison of mortality rates in the special country of Corona with those of Germany shows a remarkable trend, especially current.

The current situation of Germany and Sweden in comparison, in which European countries the situation in terms of deaths is particularly dramatic and why in some countries the death rate is starting to fall can be seen in our data animation above. You can also find the post if here click.
