Surprise at the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize: World Food Program receives an award


  • Delia friess

    sinceDelia friess

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The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize causes surprise. Because those who were previously traded as favorites did not receive the award. Instead, the World Food Program receives the prestigious award.

  • This Friday, October 9, 2020, the Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo announced who was with him Nobel Peace Prize 2020 is awarded: What World Food Program.
  • Of the Nobel Peace Prize It is considered one of the most important awards in the world.
  • There was already speculation about possible favorites, including Greta Thunberg. too Donald trump was nominated. But the two left empty-handed.

+++ 11.06 am: Of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 it goes to that World Food Program (WFP) of the United Nations. What gave that Nobel Committee announced this Friday in Oslo. the PMA It is for their commitment in the fight against hunger and for peace in regions in conflict with the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 Excellent. Of the Nobel Peace Prize it is endowed with ten million Swedish crowns (950,000 euros).

“This is a proud moment,” said Tomson Phiri, spokesman for United Nations World Food Program in Geneva, following the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 to the World Food Program. Phiri had just reported on the work of the World Food Program at a press conference. in Sudan, when the winners were unveiled.

The UN World Food Program received the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

© Khaled El Fiqi

Nobel Peace Prize 2020: World Food Program welcomes recognition

Of the Nobel Peace Prize it is a recognition of both employees and the many volunteers around the world, he said. “We also served this year and did more than our duty,” Phiri continued. the World Food Program I cared for the hungry despite travel restrictions around the world.

“At one point, we were the largest airline in the world,” continued the press spokesperson. the World Food Program has chartered planes after commercial flights that otherwise required a lot of things for that World Food Program they no longer flew.

Nobel Peace Prize 2020: these are the favorites

Update on Friday, October 9, 2020 at 10.30 am.: This Friday at 11 am in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 Announced. There is no clear favorite for what is probably the most prestigious award in the world. World Health Organization (who), the Swedish climate activist Greta thunberg and organizations that defend Freedom of the press use, traded.

But also the German non-governmental organization Transparency International, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the women’s rights activist Fausia Kufi outside Afghanistan should Get a chance to win the Nobel Peace Prize. too US President Donald Trump it was this year for him Nobel Peace Prize 2020 nominated.

Nobel Peace Prize 2020: these are the secret candidates

Award winners Nobel Peace Prize 2019 is the ethiopian prime minister Abiy ahmed, of the for its peace agreement with the neighboring country, which had been hostile for decades Eritrea had been awarded. This year the secret list of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 318 names, including 211 individuals and 107 organizations.

Call for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize: These are the favorites

First report of Thursday, October 8, 2020, 6:00 pm: After the proclamation of the Winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Physics, Medicine and Literature It will be on Friday, October 9, 2020 at 11 am Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 Announced. The 17-year-old is one of the favorites again this year Climate activist Greta Thunberg. But: there is still speculation about other candidates who could win the prestigious award. too Donald trump it’s for him Nobel Peace Prize 2020 nominated. Experts estimate that your chances are quite low.

17-year-old Greta Thunberg is once again the favorite for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.

© Jessica Gow

2020 Nobel Peace Prize nominations: favorites and surprise candidates

The 318 nominees include Greta thunberg also the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, to deal with Corona-Pandemie, and the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny, that he was the victim of a poison attack in Russia and was treated at the Charité in Berlin.

The obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize medal designed in 1902 by Norwegian artist Gustav Vigeland.

© Berit Roald

Nominations can be submitted by members of governments and parliaments from around the world. Norwegian right-wing populist Christian Tybring-Gjedde had Donald trump For him Nobel Peace Prize 2020 nominated. Your reasoning for Triumphs The nomination that surprised many people is: Triumph they have “done more to bring peace between nations than most of the other Nobel Peace Prize nominees.” Traditionally, nominations for Nobel Peace Prize 50 years since Nobel Prize Committee kept under lock and key. Still, candidates seek the Nobel Peace Prize mainly by the nominees.

Favorites for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize

Climate protection activist Greta Thunberg speaks to participants at the Fridays for Future climate rally.

© Christian Charisins

Henrik Urdal of the Oslo Peace Research Institute (PRIO) published a Nobel Peace Prize Finalist 2020, in which he trusts those who, in his opinion, are the most deserving of the award: For the researcher for peace, this year’s award should go to journalists’ associations such as the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Y Reporters Without Borders Go outside for independent journalism, freedom of the press Y freedom of expression to deploy. One of his favorites for him Nobel Peace Prize 2020 It is also Can Dundar, former editor-in-chief of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, who was arrested in Turkey, now lives in Germany and writes for DIE ZEIT, among others.

“Sign the #PressFreedomPact” is on a banner. Reporters Without Borders calls for more freedom of the press in the run-up to the US presidential elections on November 3.

© Annette Riedl

Another tip from Urdal Nobel Peace Prize 2020 are peace activists in Sudan, including Alaa salah, an activist for democracy who defends The rights of women in Sudan begins.

Alaa Salah is a Sudanese democracy activist who campaigns for women’s rights in Sudan.

© dpa

Also has Alexey Navalny one of Henrik Urdal’s favorites for the Nobel Peace Prize 2020. Nominations were due to be submitted by the end of January 2020, so activists from Belarus how Swetlana Tichanowskaja It is very likely that he will not receive the award this year.

Nobel Peace Prize 2020: one of the most prestigious awards in the world

According to the will of the initiator of the foundation Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite, if one or the other Nobel Peace Prize who “worked more or better in the fraternization of peoples and the abolition or reduction of permanent armies and the celebration or promotion of peace congresses.” Nobel Peace Prize becomes traditional – different from others Nobel Prizes – in Oslo instead of in Stockholm presented. The five-member jury of the Nobel Peace Prize – Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee – is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament. Last year he received the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy ahmed the Nobel Peace Prize 2019 for his efforts to achieve peace in the border conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Alexej Navalny is one of the favorites for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

© Andrew Lubimov

These are the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize since 2014:

2019 Abiy Ahmed () thipien)
2018 Denis Mukwege (Congo), Nadia Murad (Iraq)
2017 International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (Switzerland)
2016 Juan Manuel Santos (Kolumbien)
2015 Quartet du dialog national (Tunisia)
2014 Kailash Satyarthi (India), Malala Yousafzai (Pakistan)

The renowned award remains controversial: this is how the award of the Nobel Peace Prize the European Union and former US President Barack Obama criticized on numerous occasions. Among the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize since 1901 there are only 17 women, but 90 men.

Of the Nobel Peace Prize It is endowed with ten million Swedish crowns (950,000 euros) and will be awarded digitally in Oslo this year due to the corona pandemic. The ceremony traditionally takes place on December 10, the day of death. Alfred Nobel, instead of. (By Delia Friess)

Rubriklistenbild: © Khaled El Fiqi
