Summer vacation in Corona on Pentecost? In which countries holidays are possible


In summer, Germans make the wave of travel year after year. This will only be possible up to a point in the times of Corona. Where can we go this time?

  • The world is still moaning under the Crown crisis.
  • The holiday season is also approaching with the Pentecost holiday.
  • This begs the question: What travel destinations are possible despite the pandemic?

Munich, concerned about health and the future, double burden on childcare and much more time on its own four walls, many have it this year Summer Vacation probably never longed for.

Through some still valid Entry bans long-distance travel is probably not yet possible, but some European countries as well as German national goals should attract again. On Pentecost, you can probably travel back home.

Crown crisis and tourism: there is no date yet for the opening of borders

About border openings want Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer Decide before Pentecost: Based on the current state, the barriers will remain horizontal until May 15. The EU is planning one uniform regulation, but based on current knowledge, it is likely to be difficult to apply. While some countries are pushing for tourists to visit on time, other nations don’t want to rush.

Austria has been very open for some time, including the hope of numerous tourists from Germany. About one Special regulation for citizens of the Federal Republic It has already been thought out loud. Chancellor Sebastián Kurz assumes “that the border with Germany will open before summer.” However, it has not yet become more concrete.

Holidays in the Crown crisis: Italy, Holland, Belgium.

At Holland could start 1st of July Open campsites and holiday parks. Then it should also be possible to rent an accommodation. Too Belgium be careful Private travel is prohibited, checks are carried out on the border with Germany.

They have better prospects ItalyFriends In South Tyrol, for example, hotels are likely to fall, also under pressure from the tourism industry. 25 of May pick up guests again. Aloud FACE Preparations for a summer season are made under the crown sign. It should be a bilateral travel agreement with Germany, Austria and Switzerland be directed to.

Corona 2020 summer holidays: Spain and Mallorca? France?

Until now Spain – Struck by the virus as strong as Italy – not yet. The return to normality would ideally take place there. End of June. German tourists are probably just starting July conceivable that Canary Islands near the Moroccan coast they already await the high season in autumn. Hotels in Majorca You will probably not use the permission to reopen at the moment due to a lack of guests, such as the Mallorca newspaper suspect

France meanwhile he plans to gradually open the borders June, 15. Restaurants can be found almost everywhere in the country, with the exception of one area in the northeast with Alsace, Lorraine, Burgundy and the region around Paris. Early June Reopen However, it is not yet certain whether tourists will also benefit from it. Consequently, summer vacation cannot yet be scheduled.

Holidays during the Crown period: Pentecost to Turkey or Greece?

The Turkey it is only in the early stages of relaxation, hope lies in regular vacation travel July. German travelers may well leave June, 15 Back in the country, he could move freely and without restrictions in all probability. Of June 1 Hotels can accommodate tourists again.

In Greece everything runs in it 1st of July outside A prerequisite for the entry of tourists is a negative crown test in the country of origin. Here “safe travel corridors” will be created for countries that have successfully challenged the pandemic.

Pentecost break in the Corona crisis: Croatia or Denmark?

At Croatian Peninsula Istria are hotels and campsites May 11 opened again. Tourists can probably in June Travel back to the country, but also only after a negative crown test before starting your journey. Croatia is based on so-called “tourism corridors”, will follow free trips throughout the country FACE-Information not welcome.

Patients who are willing to travel need a weak point to Scandinavia. Currently there are no signs of an early opening of the border. Denmark wants June 1 decide Norway probably during that month. Then Sweden, which marched through the crisis almost without restrictions, entry is possible in principle, tourists must be noisy in the country FACE but don’t be welcome for now

New look: More and more people wear a face mask.


Crown and Holiday: Czech Republic and Great Britain?

Czech Republic wants to advise on a precise plan, there the limits in the July open again in Poland the hotels are open again, but the decision on the early arrival of tourists has not yet been made.

Britain He is apparently also preparing for an opening, but in view of experience with more deaths than any other European country, he appears to be installing a level of security. Aloud Time and BBC Boris Johnson plans to impose a two-week quarantine on travelers.

Holidays in the Corona crisis: Maas does not want a second wave of tourists to return

Also in Berlin, too much risk is warned in favor of special holiday experiences. “If you look back, you can see that is exactly where there are great risks of infection“Emphasizes Chancellor’s Minister Helge Braun. AND Chancellor Heiko Maas cleared in Hamburger Abendblatt: “We cannot and will not bring a quarter of a million people on vacation in the summer.”

No matter where your vacation path leads – you must be sure that apart from traveling in the solitude of nature restrictions everywhere will be on the lookout Compliance with distance rules. is to be everything and finish everything, great Group events It will be taboo And it is better not to do without the facial mask.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Gregor Fischer
