Such is the current situation: is there a risk of relapse?


In Munich, the number of corona increased so much that measures had to be taken, in Berlin many young people are infected. Other big cities are even more affected.

On September 20, the average new corona infections in Munich rose above the critical threshold of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants. Mayor Dieter Reiter issued local measures for the Bavarian capital to control the situation.

At the same time, the age structure of those infected is changing. More and more young people are getting infected. In Berlin especially, there is growing concern that young people can no longer take the pandemic seriously enough. Are cities like Munich and Berlin threatened with a dangerous worsening of the situation? t-online analyzes German districts in time-lapse animation and pays special attention to large cities.

You can see which big cities are registering a particularly high number of corona infections and which German cities are doing particularly well in our animation in the video above. You can also find the publication here.
