Stronger than pain and tiredness


Good morning dear reader

in corrupt English there is the term candystorm. The old green Volker Beck shaped it eight years ago, as the opposite of Shit storm on social media, which are unfortunately often antisocial. I experienced a Candystorm yesterday, but via email. Every minute I found candy in a figurative sense: recognition, solidarity, kind words. Apparently he had Friday sunrise It touched many readers, so they felt compelled to assure me of their thanks.

For three and a half years I play the keys night after night and am excited to see the reactions the next morning. But I have never seen a wind as warm as yesterday. That was nice. It showed me how many nice and empathetic people there are who care about each other and have big hearts in their chests.

In these times of epidemic, sometimes you can feel quite lonely, time and time again I meet people with dark spirits. And again and again I have the experience that just a few words are enough to cheer someone up. A little friendship costs nothing, but it is often more valuable than money or gold. And when enough people are friendly to each other, a force arises that is stronger than iniquity, pain, and weariness. Perhaps even stronger than a virus. “If everyone helps keep the sky high, no one gets tired,” says an African proverb, the federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier He cited it yesterday as a tribute to citizens for their services in the pandemic. The word winged describes “in a wonderful way what solidarity is: when everyone sticks together.”

We need exactly this cohesion now a year after the outbreak of the corona crisis, where we find the third and highest wave of infections. The situation is critical, let’s not fool ourselves. And crisis management is not good enough. You have to and you can improve, that’s what today’s podcast is about, which Marc Krüger has carefully re-composed. In it, we examine the question of why the federal government is not doing a better job and shed light on ways to improve the situation. Please listen:

If you want to give us your opinion, you can reach us by Email as well as in Spotify, Apple podcasts, Deezer, Google Podcasts or through the voice assistants of Amazon and Google. I also recommend a song by an Italian fan, ideal to start the weekend with energy. But beware: there is a catchy tune!



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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