Stronger rules for crown hot spots: Bavaria is taking the reins


In the fight against Corona, the Bavarian state government demands that cities and districts with a high number of infections take a rapid, determined and uniform approach. The cabinet decided on a series of “standard measures” to be implemented by the health authorities at critical points in the crown. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) summed up the requirements with “more mask, less alcohol” and fewer people at private parties.

Clear guidelines instead of recommendations

Söder emphasized that “optional regulations” would now become “due regulations”: the state government is pulling the reins and increasing pressure on cities and districts, where the limit of 50 infections detected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days (7-day Incidence) is met or exceeded. Municipalities can only deviate from these rules if the infection process can be clearly delineated, like the Corona outbreak among seasonal workers in Mamming in Lower Bavaria a few weeks ago.

According to Söder, the priority of the authorities is to preserve the economy and jobs and to keep schools and nurseries fully operational. Therefore, the restrictions are especially aimed at private gatherings and celebrations, which, according to the state government, play a central role in the spread of the crown. “The number of people recklessly getting infected is increasing,” Söder said. Measurements at a glance:

Tighter contact restrictions

Actually, ten people are currently allowed to meet in public spaces in Bavaria; There is no upper limit for private spaces, but rather a distance requirement. According to the will of the state government, only a maximum of five people should be allowed to gather at Corona hotspots, both in public places and in private areas. It can only be more if two households or close relatives are found. This person restriction also applies to restaurants and cafes.

Söder made it clear that violations could result in a fine. People would have to be prepared for the checks, but: “There will be no sniffing.”

Private celebrations with far fewer guests

Anyone celebrating a birthday or wedding in a Corona hotspot can only have a quarter of the guests allowed – a maximum of 25 indoors and 50 outdoors. At the moment, this restriction should not apply to cultural and sporting events.

Mask requirement in public places

In particularly crowded public places, local authorities should be able to request a mask requirement if the incidence value is 50 or more. In Munich, this obligation to wear mouth and nose protection could take effect on Thursday: if the incidence value does not drop significantly, a seven-day mask requirement will be introduced in Munich’s pedestrian zone and around Marienplatz and Viktualienmarkt.

Alcohol bans in certain locations

Prohibitions on the sale and consumption of alcohol at night should be placed in places where many people gather at night to celebrate. Several Bavarian cities have already done so in recent weeks. Alcohol bans will also apply again in Munich over the weekend.

Longer lock times

Today’s cabinet decision also foresees an early curfew for gastronomy at Corona hotspots – pubs and restaurants may have to close at 11 p.m. (until 6 a.m.).

Visiting restrictions in nursing homes and hospitals

With an incidence value of 50 and more, visits to hospitals, homes for the elderly and elderly and facilities for the disabled should also be restricted in the respective municipality: to one person per day during fixed visiting hours. In the case of minors, parents or guardians may also attend.

Quarantine rules are tightened

The cabinet also blessed Söder’s announcement Monday to tighten the quarantine requirement for travelers returning from risk areas abroad. Until now, the relevant ordinance provides for an exception to the quarantine obligation if the traveler has been abroad for less than 48 hours.

In view of the upcoming FC Bayern Munich Super Cup match against FC Sevilla in the crown risk area of ​​Budapest, this is now changing: in the future, visitors to sporting and cultural events will have to present proof of negative corona even if they stay very briefly in quarantined risk areas. According to Söder, the exception to the quarantine obligation should remain for business travelers and travelers.

Söder: “Containment instead of contamination”

Söder was very concerned about the development of crown numbers in Europe. There is a very strong second wave, “in some countries almost stronger than the first time.” Bavaria therefore adheres to its strategy of “the utmost care and caution”. “The goal is containment rather than contamination,” Söder clarified.

Therefore, in the context of the increase in the crown number in Bavaria and Germany, an answer must now be given. “That is why it is very clear to us: no Swedish strategy, but maintaining a Bavarian, for ethical, medical reasons, but ultimately also for economic reasons, because otherwise we would be threatened with what we want to prevent in all circumstances, to namely, a second general lockdown. “
