Strike in Munich: Verdi calls for a work stoppage – MVG with an emergency plan


Strike in local public transport: this time the MVG buses are affected.

© Jens Hartmann

Another strike in Munich on Friday. This time it is the turn of the buses. MVG already has a plan to keep operations going.

  • Verdi calls on bus drivers and inspectors to strike on Friday.
  • Among other things, they ask for a collective agreement at the national level.
  • Passengers must be prepared for delays.

Munich – It becomes tight again rush hour: On Friday (October 9) at Munich the buses on strike! the Munich transport company (MVG) tries to maintain a 20 minute cycle.

Strike in Munich: Verdi just wants the employer not to hit the passengers

They are from 3.30 to 12.00 hours bus driver Y Ticket inspectors to the Strike called. “It’s important to us – we don’t want to hit the passengers, we want to hit the employers,” says Kai Winkler of the union. It gave. That’s why the strike only lasts until lunchtime, everything should be back to normal in the evening traffic. All week he ran in other federal states. Strikes.

How many employees who Strike call will continue is unclear. Also drivers of private bus companies who work with ATTENTIVELY cooperate, make noise It gave in a Solidarity strike step by step. “We are trying to offer a basic cycle of 20 minutes,” says MVG boss Ingo Wortmann. However, it has significant limitations. Buses expected. Underground Y Tramways should drive. Current information is available on the website

Strike in Munich: union demands are utopian

It gave fight for a national Framework collective agreement with uniform regulations on Overtime compensation Y Shift assignments. Federal employers refuse to negotiate. The fronts are hardened.

So it was with the MVG strike in September.

Ingo Wortmann, head of MVG: “We cannot finance the claims. We have to drastically reduce our costs anyway. ” ATTENTIVELY I already have a big one Austerity program began – for example, the old B-subway trains drive longer, and in Rehabilitation of metro stations only the most necessary work is done. Wortmann says: “About them Verdi demands to finance, we would have to increase prices by 6.1 percent, that’s completely unrealistic. ” MVV prices will soon get up anyway. (cmy)

These crown rules apply from Friday in Munich.
