Stricter rules when buying, recommendation for ski holidays.


As of 2 p.m., the federal and state governments have agreed on how to proceed together to combat the corona pandemic. The regulations should initially apply until December 20, but some decisions are still open.

At around 7:30 p.m., only eight of the 19 points in the draft resolution had been processed. It can be a long night for Merkel and the country’s leaders.

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Angela Merkel and regional leaders agreed on this at their meeting, at 7.30 pm.:

  • Based on information from Tagesspiegel, it is clear that the federal government and the states have one thing Hotspot value agreed. Only from an incident of 200 Crown rules need to be significantly re-adjusted. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the value in Berlin was the last 195, but according to the health administration it was 218.
  • School: Only after a regional incidence of more than 200 and grade 8 (except final grades) should there be additional measures to improve compliance with AHA rules, for example, hybrid or alternate classes.
  • There can be no more than one customer for every 20 square meters of sales area in stores, from one Total store space of 800 square meters. This is an important adjustment: Until now, a customer was allowed to stay in a sales area smaller than 10 square meters.
  • Meet with others: It is planned that only two households with a maximum of five people can meet in their own apartment. Young people under 14 years of age are exempt from the requirements. So far a total of ten adults are allowed, there has been no explicit restriction regarding the apartment, just a recommendation. There should be a special regulation for Christmas and New Year’s Eve: then almost the old and currently valid regulations should apply for a short time. Then ten adults from different households should gather around the Christmas tree during the holidays.
  • Cultural events and restaurants: Cultural institutions like Museums, cinemas and theaters According to the plans, they should remain closed, but “as soon as possible in view of the contagion situation”, countries should be able to reopen them. The gastronomy will also be closed until December 20. The situation at Christmas is still unclear. Because on December 15 a new extension will be discussed.
  • New Year’s fireworks: New Year’s Eve fireworks are allowed in the infection control measures contemplated, but are prohibited “in busy squares and streets” “to avoid larger groups.”
  • Holidays: According to information from Tagesspiegel, ski holidays should be avoided until January 10. There will probably not be a ban, but an appeal to citizens to renounce it. The additional procedure should be discussed at European level, as stated. The corresponding discussions will take place among the interested countries.

The heads of the federal-state meeting had already agreed this beforehand:

  • Store: The mask requirement will be expanded and in the future will also apply in front of retail stores and in parking lots. Holiday shopping should be done during the week if possible.
  • Schools: In accordance with the will of the Federal Chancellery and the heads of state, the mask requirement should also be applied in the schoolyard and in the classroom for seventh-graders in regions with an incidence of “significantly more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants “, with the exception of schools where there are none. Coronavirus infections. Christmas holidays should be December 19. start, except probably in Bremen and Thuringia. The obligation to wear a mask “may” also be introduced for grades 5 and 6. Also, in the future, probably an entire class will have to be quarantined at home as soon as there is a confirmed corona case in the group.
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has repeatedly spoken out in favor of tougher crown restrictions.Photo: dpa / Michael Kappeler

At the same time, a number of questions are still open before the meeting of the main federal and state levels:

  • School: There is a dispute on this point of the document: “To equalize school traffic, school organization measures must be taken (for example, the start of lessons if necessary also staggered) and additional school traffic must be used, which of the An additional 2.5 billion euros of regionalization funds that the federal government has made available for funding. ”The states, especially Saxony, are demanding more money from the federal government.
  • Overnight stays in hotels: If you want to travel as a tourist, your cards are bad: hotels stay closed to him or her. It is still controversial whether this regulation should continue to exist beyond New Year’s Eve.
  • Train travel: The exact rules for train travel are still being discussed. However, in the future, train passengers will probably only be able to reserve window seats, with a double seat only one seat and with groups of seats with a table only the diagonally opposite seats. In the six-seat compartments, only two seats could be reserved. For customers traveling together, “areas would be provided where adjoining seats could also be reserved.” In this way, people from the same household could “travel together and not spread out on the train”. Mask controls will be intensified in long-distance traffic and seating capacity will be increased. And: the seat reservation is probably only “recommended”.
  • Test options: It is not yet clear whether the federal and state governments really offer “generous testing options” so that testing for cold symptoms can be done as much as possible, especially at Christmas.
  • Economic protection of hospitals: There is still no agreement on exactly how the clinics should be financially supported. But it is quite possible that they will receive three billion euros, of which two billion will be included in the 2021 budget.

However, the latest draft resolution also includes a back door for prime ministers: Federal states can deviate from these and other restrictions if their infection numbers fall below a critical value. The decisive factor for such regional relief is an incidence “well below 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days.”

According to plans, such opening should depend, among other things, on avoiding contacts, ventilating rooms well and avoiding the formation of groups. For so-called crown hotspots with particularly high numbers of infections, on the other hand, countries could tighten their regional restrictions. The draft resolution also states that the federal and state governments want to re-agree on how to proceed in the corona pandemic before Christmas on December 15.
