Steinmeier statement before closing: “We will overcome this crisis”


Federal President Steinmeier has urged everyone to do their part in the fight against the crown pandemic. Now it’s about saving lives, he said with a view to closing.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has proven to be convinced that the Corona crisis can be overcome with mutual solidarity and consideration. “The next few weeks are a test for all of us,” the head of state said in a short speech in Berlin. “We are a strong country because many people lean on this difficult crisis and are capable of overcoming themselves.”

The federal president expressly supported the measures adopted by the federal and state governments for a harsh lockdown starting Wednesday. “What counts now is maintaining health and saving human lives,” Steinmeier said. “As of Wednesday, our public and private life will be restricted more severely than ever in the history of the Federal Republic,” he said.

“The situation is extremely serious”

But this is necessary. “The situation is terrible,” he added. It shouldn’t get to the point where the healthcare system collapses, he warned in light of the growing number of corona intensive care patients. Therefore, it is necessary to drastically reduce all contacts and avoid many meetings during the holidays: “Celebrations can be recovered, friends and family expect to receive gifts even later.”

The restrictions now necessary would certainly jeopardize economic livelihoods, make them lonely, and depress spirits. “However, we are not at the mercy of the virus. It is up to us,” Steinmeier warned.

“It must be successful. It will succeed.”

He is sure that Germany will overcome this crisis, especially since there is hope with the vaccine. “We will overcome this crisis. It must be successful. It will succeed,” he said.

To those who would rather not hear anything more about Corona, he said: “Let’s think about those at risk, the sick, those who fight for their lives in intensive care units.” Doctors and nurses battled the virus to exhaustion and also put their own health at risk, Steinmeier stressed.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 14, 2020 at 12:00 pm
