Steinmeier calls for action against far-right networks


secondThe undesirable President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called for continued action against right-wing extremist networks on the 40th anniversary of the Oktoberfest attack. “The killings of right-wing terrorists in recent decades were not the work of confused people,” he said in Munich on Saturday, according to a speech that was released in advance. Rather, the perpetrators were “involved in networks of hate and violence.” “We have to track these networks. We have to fight them, even more decisively than before, ”demanded Steinmeier.

“We know that there are far-right networks,” said the federal president. “The series of murders perpetrated by the NSU has shed light on this blind corner of the criminal prosecution.” At the same time, it had become clear that “the investigations will not result in anything if they are not carried out unconditionally, as they should be”.

The commemoration of the Oktoberfest attack should be an occasion to “think about errors, omissions and blind spots in the investigation of far-right attacks in the past,” Steinmeier demanded. This includes the question of “whether there were, and possibly still are, typical and repetitive deficits in law enforcement.”

According to the manuscript, Steinmeier also pointed to incidents within the police authorities in his speech, such as the recently discovered right-wing extremist chat group within the police in North Rhine-Westphalia. “It is no longer allowed to look the other way,” he said, referring to such cases.

Trust the police. However, the police must not tolerate “enemies of freedom and democracy.” “Every effort should be made to expose far-right networks where they exist. Police leadership and policy makers must not tolerate a climate in which they arise and can be covered by others, ”Steinmeier emphasized.
