Greens far ahead of CDU in BaWü: SPD leads in Rhineland-Palatinate
According to a survey conducted shortly before the state elections, the Greens in Baden-Württemberg could remain by far the strongest force. The SPD is also ahead in Rhineland-Palatinate. On the other hand, things are not looking good for the CDU in both federal states.
WA few days before the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, it seems an additional majority for the previous government alliances in both countries. According to a new ZDF “Politbarometer”, there is currently a clear majority in Baden-Württemberg for the continuation of the green-black government, and there would also be enough for a coalition of the Greens, the SPD and the FDP.
In Rhineland-Palatinate, the current government consisting of the SPD, the FDP and the Greens would still have a majority if elected now. The election will take place on Sunday.
Compared to the “Politbarometer” of the previous week, there was only little change in the results published on Thursday night. “This is also due to the fact that, due to the crown, a large number of those eligible to vote have already voted by mail at an early stage,” explained those responsible for the “Politbarometer.” Therefore, the matter of questionable affairs of Union deputies wearing crown masks will only have a limited effect on the outcome of the elections.
According to the representative survey conducted by the Wahlen research group from 8 to 11 March, the Greens in Baden-Württemberg could currently expect 34 percent (minus 1 compared to the previous week), the CDU with 24 percent, the AfD with 11 percent. , the SPD with 10 percent (all unchanged), the FDP with 11 percent (plus 1) and the left with 3 percent (unchanged).
In the 2016 state elections, the Greens won 30.3 percent, the CDU 27.0 percent, the AfD 15.1 percent, the SPD 12.7 percent, the FDP 8.3 percent and the Left 2.9 percent.
In Rhineland-Palatinate, according to the “Politbarometer”, the SPD is currently at 33%, the CDU at 29%, the AfD at 9% (unchanged from the previous week), the FDP at 6.5 % (minus 0.5). Greens at 10 percent (minus 1), left at 3 percent (no change), free voters at 5 percent (plus 1).
In the 2016 state elections it looked like this in Rhineland-Palatinate: SPD 36.2 percent, CDU 31.8 percent, AfD 12.6 percent, FDP 6.2 percent, Greens 5.3 percent, Left 2.8 percent, Free voters 2.2 percent.
Head in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate at the fore
When it comes to who he would rather have as prime minister, the headlines are clearly ahead in both countries. In Baden-Württemberg, the head of the Greens, Winfried Kretschmann, has 70 percent, well ahead of the main CDU candidate, Susanne Eisenmann, with 13 percent (the rest 100 percent: “I don’t know “,” I don’t know “or” neither nor “)
In Rhineland-Palatinate, a 58 percent “politbarometer” majority would like Malu Dreyer (SPD) to be prime minister again. 28 percent of the residents of Rhineland-Palatinate would elect Christian Baldauf from the CDU.