Start of vaccination in Europe: together against the virus


It is a historic moment in the fight against the pandemic: vaccinations against the coronavirus have started in the EU. In Italy, a nurse was the first recipient, in other places doctors, high-risk patients or even the head of government.

Not only in Germany, but also in many European countries, the first people were vaccinated against the Sars-CoV-2 virus. “We can start 2021 with optimism, there is light at the end of the tunnel,” said EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described the start of vaccination as a “moving moment of unity” and a European “success story”.


In Italy, the country most affected by the pandemic in Europe, three health workers at the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome received the vaccine developed by Biontech.

“Today I am here as a citizen, but above all as a nurse, to represent my profession and all health workers who believe in science,” said 29-year-old nurse Claudia Alivernini, who was the first to be vaccinated.


In Denmark, Germany’s northernmost neighbor, 79-year-old Leif Hasselberg, was the first to receive the vaccine in Odense. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said there is now “a light at the end of the tunnel after the most difficult year since World War II.” Visibly moved by the vaccines, she told reporters of a “great turning point for everyone.”


Infection specialist Vladimir Krcmery received the first vaccination in Slovakia on Saturday in Nitra, 75 kilometers east of Bratislava. “It is a great honor for me. Thank you very much,” said the 60-year-old. More doses of vaccination have been distributed to hospitals in Kosice, Banska Bystrica and Bratislava.


Also in Hungary, the vaccination campaign started the day before: the doctor Adrienne Kertesz was the first to receive the vaccine. She has waited a long time for this moment, she told state television station M1. The vaccine now allows you to continue working safely. As head of the Infection Control Department, she works primarily with Covid-19 patients.


In the Paris suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis, hospital staff applauded a 78-year-old man who was the first to receive the injection. “I’m touched,” said the retired housekeeper. In Seine-Saint-Denis, which is characterized by social problems, the number of corona virus infections is particularly high.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, the first public vaccination was the populist Prime Minister Andrej Babis. He explained that he had seen a woman on television who said she wanted to “wait for Babis” to get vaccinated. There’s nothing to worry about, Babis continued.


Alicja Jakubowska, a head nurse at a Warsaw hospital, was the first Polish woman to be vaccinated. “This is a historic moment for me. The hospital management chose me. A nurse is the first to be vaccinated, a tribute to working nurses and midwives,” she said.


“I am happy to see my great-grandchildren,” said Branka Anicic, a resident of a nursing home in Zagreb and the first person to receive an injection in Croatia. It feels good to be the first in your country. Others should follow suit.


In Romania, a nurse from the Matei Bals research institute in Bucharest was the first to get vaccinated: “It doesn’t hurt at all,” she said. “Open your eyes and get the vaccine.”


“I am proud to be vaccinated,” said Mónica Tapias. The 48-year-old employee of the Los Olmos residence in Guadalajara was vaccinated together with Araceli Hidalg, a 96-year-old resident, as the first Spanish women. “Let’s see if we can all recover and make the virus go away,” he added.


In Austria, five at-risk patients over 80 years of age were the first to be vaccinated at the Medical University of Vienna. The three women and two men received the injection in the presence of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Health Minister Rudolf Anschober.

In total, at least 16 million corona infections and more than 336,000 deaths have been recorded in the 27 EU countries. Besides Italy, for example, Spain had such high numbers earlier this year that both were considered critical points in a global comparison. Other EU countries, such as the Czech Republic, initially spared the worst, but in autumn their healthcare system came close to collapse.

This topic was reported on December 27, 2020 by Tagesschau at 4:47 pm and NDR Info at 5:22 pm in the news.
