“Start of a really big second wave”


The federal and state governments have adopted new measures to contain the corona pandemic. The head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun, now defended the action and warned citizens urgently.

The number of corona infections in Germany continues to rise rapidly and the federal government is calling on citizens to take the situation seriously. Germany is “at the beginning of a really big second wave,” and this “we have to stop now,” Foreign Minister Helge Braun (CDU) told RTL and n-tv on Friday. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) urged compliance with the distance and hygiene rules. “We know how to do it. We just have to do it.”

More than 7,000 new infections reported nationwide

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a new record for new infections on Friday morning. According to this, the health authorities reported 7,334 new cases of infection in one day. This was almost 700 cases more than the day before. The 6,638 new infections registered on Thursday had been the highest value since the start of the pandemic.

Helge Braun: The head of the Chancellery warns of the second great wave that, in his opinion, Germany is already in.  (Source: imago images / IPON)Helge Braun: The head of the Chancellery warns of the second great wave in which, in his opinion, Germany is already located. (Source: IPON / imago images)

“We do not expect the numbers to decrease tomorrow, but they will continue to rise,” Braun said. The situation is currently “significantly more dire” than during the first Corona wave in spring. “Now we realize that we are on a steep climb.”

Braun: I have to “act very decisively now”

The increase in numbers depends on the measures that are being taken now, Braun warned. “We have to act very decisively now, otherwise they will continue to rise.”

Spahn also said in Berlin that Germany was “in a serious situation.” He called for prudent prioritization. Most people wanted schools and kindergartens to remain open, for economic life to continue, and for public administration to function. Other things would have to come second. For many people, “socializing and celebrating” is important, but ultimately the most important thing for them is “going to daycare” and “having a job.”

The Federal Government basically considers the closure of areas with a high number of corona infections, raised by the head of RKI, Lothar Wieler, as a possible means in the fight against the pandemic. “From a purely epidemiological point of view, entry and exit restrictions can be a way to prevent the spread of the virus,” said Martina Fietz, spokeswoman for the lieutenant governor, in Berlin. Fietz could not report any concrete plans in this direction. “Our goal is to maintain as much public and private life as possible.”

Curfew suspended by eleven bars

Meanwhile, new restrictions recently introduced to contain the pandemic are being revoked in many places. In Berlin, the administrative court ruled eleven restaurants in an urgent procedure on Friday, who resisted the new curfew.

The accommodation ban for travelers to the German Crown Hot Spots, imposed by many federal states, continues to crumble. After several court decisions against such regulations and the reversal in some federal states, the Bavarian state government decided on Friday not to extend the regulation, which expired the same day.

Accommodation ban is under scrutiny

The Hessian state government wants to decide on Monday to abolish the accommodation ban. In Schleswig-Holstein, on the other hand, the Higher Administrative Court rejected an urgent request against regulation there. The administrative court in Hamburg also ruled on Friday.

Left boss Bernd Riexinger called for a coordinated end to housing bans. These “hardly contributed to protection against infection and disproportionately restricted people’s lives,” he explained. “Interior ministers should create clarity and abolish accommodation bans in Germany.”
