Stahlknecht Announces Study on Racism in the Police: Police Officers Disdainfully Refer to Canteen Operators as “Jews”


Officials from the Magdeburg state riot police behaved in an anti-Semitic manner. In an anonymous email, there were indications that police officers had described the former operator of the riot police mess hall as a “Jew” for years. The email stated that the relevant control center knew of the incidents, but had not done anything about it. As announced by the Interior Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Holger Stahlknecht (CDU), initial investigations confirmed the suspicion. Anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia have no place in society and therefore not in the Saxony-Anhalt police.

As a result, Interior Minister Stahlknecht announced at a press conference on Monday that a special commission would be established to investigate institutional anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia in the police. Stahlknecht said the commission should be outside the police force itself. Saxony-Anhalt also wants to join the study on anti-Semitism and extremism in the police announced by Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD). “We will be the second federal state to initiate a study of this type,” Interior Minister Stahlknecht said. The prerequisite for this is the approval of the finance committee of the state parliament.
