Squeezing here, looking at openings there: countries’ crown policies are falling apart – politics


The partial lockdown imposed by the corona pandemic with closed restaurants, museums, theaters and leisure facilities will run until January 10. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states during their deliberations on Wednesday. “In principle, the situation remains as it is now, with the exception, of course, of the Christmas regulations, which were made extra,” Merkel said after the deliberations.

According to information from the German Press Agency of the participants, Merkel, the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU) and the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU), had called for an extension of the partial blockade. until January 10 inclusive. Laschet was quoted by the group as saying: “We will ensure clarity.” On January 4, the federal and state governments will discuss how to proceed next.

Bavaria Prime Minister Söder indicated that there could be a further tightening of the measures. “The question is can we keep the country in this kind of half-sleep all the time or if at some point we don’t have to think about digging into some places very clearly and consistently,” said the CSU president.

His sentiment is “that we shouldn’t be afraid to be very consistent in the end, and maybe even shorter, more consistent than longer, semi-consistent.” However, the opinions of the country’s leaders differ. The fight seems inevitable.

Why Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania It is already withdrawn and reserves the right not to continue with the partial block currently applicable until January 10. The MV summit on December 15 will decide on this, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said in Schwerin. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had previously declared in Berlin that it was correct to extend the partial blockade until January 10.

Curfews in Saxony and Baden-Württemberg

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) wants to tighten the lockdown in his state if corona infection numbers do not decrease by Christmas. In most of the 13 regions of the Free State there are already curfews: residents can only leave their houses or apartments for good reason, and the requirement for masks has been expanded and alcohol has been banned.

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Prime Minister of Saxony, has already tightened Corona’s measures in sight.Photo: dpa / Sebastian Kahnert

In Baden-Württemberg There are also curfews, but only at night and in circles with more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. For example, this nightly curfew applies in Mannheim beginning Friday night for eight days between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

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During this period, you can only leave your home for valid reasons, as explained by Mannheim Mayor Peter Kurz (SPD); this must also be credible during an inspection. In the cities of Pforzheim, Heilbronn and three other districts, the 7-day incidence is also above the 200 mark, which, according to the green-black state government of Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), has resulted in exit restrictions nocturnal.

Still no relief in Berlin

Currently has Hessen Although it is the fourth highest rate of new infections in a country comparison, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) continues to adhere to the fact that families and friends with up to ten people from different households can get together for Christmas and New Years Eve.

This freedom wants itself Sedan However, continue without taking: although the 7-day incidence in Berlin was 181.6 on Wednesday, Government Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said the same day that there could be no relaxation of contact restrictions for individuals in the capital during Christmas. Give meeting.

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As a justification, Müller said: “Because right now we just can’t trust ourselves anymore because of our numbers.” This means that a maximum of five people can meet in Berlin during Christmas and New Year’s Eve, not including children up to 14 years old.

Berlin’s ruling mayor Michael Müller sees no scope for larger gatherings at Christmas and New Year’s Eve.Photo: AFP / Markus Schreiber

What measures should be applied during the holidays? Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU), however, opens on Thursday. The state recently had the lowest rates of new infections by comparison.

Schleswig-Holstein is already looking for vacancies

According to Günther, the state government will be informed well in advance before December 20 on the basis of the infection process about how the corona pandemic will continue. The goal is to reduce the number of infections by the beginning of January so that it is possible to open steps in all areas as of January 10.

The partial lockdown has been in place since early November and lasted last week until just before Christmas. Merkel noted Wednesday, however, that on average they are still far from the goal of an incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

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Health authorities reported 479 coronavirus-related deaths to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within 24 hours. With 487 dead on Wednesday, it reached the highest daily value since the start of the pandemic.

Furthermore, a relatively large number of people in Germany are still infected with the virus. 22,046 new infections were reported, according to RKI figures from Thursday morning. That was just below the level of a week earlier.

Demand for unity in the fight against Corona

Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) demanded the unity of his fellow countrymen in the fight against the pandemic. “Despite all the regional differences, people expect us to comply with comparable regulations across the country to deal with the corona pandemic,” Hans told the German news agency in Berlin on Wednesday night.

“What we need most now is unity: the more we speak with one voice, the greater the acceptance of the measures.”

Advocates for unity: Tobias Hans (CDU), Prime Minister of Saarland.Photo: Oliver Dietze / dpa

The executive director of the association of towns and municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, told the newspapers of the Funke media group that an extension of the partial closure until early January would be a tough approach, but inevitable. The number of infections is still clearly too high.

“However, you need to develop a clear outlook for the period after early January,” Landsberg said. “It is difficult to imagine a lockdown lasting several months, which will also continue into early 2021.”

Merkel: “No excessive amounts of vaccine”

This applies not only from the perspective of the affected companies and the economy as a whole, but also from the perspective of the people who rightly want to regain some normalcy. Landsberg believed that politics should send “clear signals of hope” to the population. “That should be possible, especially since vaccinations, which are expected to start soon, can gradually guarantee more safety.”

On the other hand, Merkel warned Wednesday night not to have too high expectations of vaccines at first. In the first trimester, you will probably receive about seven million doses of vaccines, and two vaccines are necessary in a certain time interval. “In the second quarter things will be much better from a human perspective.” In the third trimester there will probably be many vaccines available.

In the EU, applications have been submitted for two vaccines: one from the Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer, and another from the US company Moderna. The Biontech / Pfizer vaccine has already received emergency approval from the British regulatory authority, it became known on Wednesday. (with dpa)
