SPD and Greens to Moria: Germany must lead the way in accepting refugees


A few days ago, fires almost completely destroyed the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. As a result, the already catastrophic situation of thousands of migrants has worsened. Many of them have lost their last refuge and the supply situation is critical. Despite the dramatic situation, no European solution is in sight. The SPD and the Greens now demand that Germany take the lead in accepting refugees.

SPD President Saskia Esken wants the Federal Republic to accept more immigrants from the burning Greek camp of Moria. The announcement by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) that 100 to 150 unaccompanied minors would be admitted in a first step, was not satisfactory for the SPD, he told “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS): “Germany must lead the way here and can also become independent of the decision of other EU countries to accept more refugees. “

Seehofer had already announced on Friday that it wanted to bring more people, that is, families with children, to Germany in a second step. About 12,000 people were housed in the now largely destroyed camp, three-quarters of whom were Afghans.

Ecological parliamentary leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt also told BamS that Europe should not be based on the announced admission of 400 unaccompanied children. All refugees must now be supplied quickly and distributed across Europe. “Germany should lead by example, preferably with other Europeans in a coalition of volunteers.”

There are also voices in the Union calling for immediate help to immigrants. Foreign politician Norbert Röttgen said in an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” that Germany should quickly accept 5,000 people: “5,000 fewer people would significantly alleviate the situation in Greece. It is our Christian-democratic claim to politics that now helps. “

Several federal states want to host refugees

After the fire in Moria, several federal states have already offered to take in immigrants from Greece. On Friday, the heads of ten German cities also wrote a letter to Seehofer and Chancellor Angela Merkel. In it they also declared their willingness to welcome the people of the destroyed refugee camp. According to the city of Potsdam, a total of 64 municipalities and districts are currently expressly prepared to accept migrants rescued from hardships at sea.

So far, the federal government has refused to do so. Interior Minister Seehofer opposes a single German approach to accepting refugees. Calls for a European initiative. Now Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel is proposing a crisis summit for federal, state and local authorities to accept refugees.

“We must clarify the possibilities of hosting refugees from Greece in numbers at all levels,” Geisel told “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag”. What is needed is a swift and coordinated approach to end the suffering of the people in the Greek camps. “The Federal Minister of the Interior must finally come to the table with the helpful federal states, cities and municipalities.”

Icon: The mirror
