Spahn’s Corona vaccination plan: “Protect the weakest first”


Health Minister Spahn has presented the Corona vaccination plan. In the first phase, the elderly and people in need of care will be protected. At the same time, the minister warned: “The winter will be long.”

The federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, has presented the vaccination ordinance, which determines the order of corona vaccinations. “We will first offer protection to those who also need it in particular,” Spahn said. Care facilities and those over 80 are expected to begin on December 27.

Spahn noted that every second Covid-19-related death affects people over the age of 80. “Protecting the weakest is the first objective of our vaccination campaign,” said the Minister of Health. This will take a month or two. Only then will they think of expanding the range of vaccines. “That means for all of us: the winter will be long.”

“Protect the particularly vulnerable”

Clinic doctors and nurses were also a top priority. But in the early days, vaccines are given first in care centers. The minister again asked everyone else to be patient. “I ask that you also wait until your turn comes. We start first with the elderly, the very old, those who care for them, to protect precisely the particularly vulnerable.

The minister emphasized that he will follow the recommendations of the Permanent Commission of Vaccination (Stiko) for the first group of vaccination. This also included, for example, intensive care physicians in intensive care units from Covid 19, who are particularly at risk of infection.

Vaccination in four stages

However, the regulation deviates somewhat from Stiko’s recommendation and prioritizes four stages instead of six. In part, for practical reasons, the groups came together on the ordinance, Spahn explained.

In the first stage Residents of nursing homes and for the elderly, people aged 80 and over, personnel with a particularly high risk of exposure in medical facilities, for example, ambulance service and emergency physicians, emergency personnel, are summarized. medical facilities in close contact with vulnerable groups, nursing staff in outpatient and hospital care for the elderly. as well as other nursing home workers and the elderly in contact with residents.

Prioritized according to age and previous illnesses

To the second category Consequently, all people aged 70 and over, as well as those at high risk of developing a serious illness, are given a high priority. Close contacts of people in need of care and pregnant women can be vaccinated.

After that stay in a third group different age groups, people with different pre-existing conditions, occupational groups, and other groups as well latest all persons under the age of 60 without any previous illness or occupation mentioned.

The ordinance also establishes that those who wish to be vaccinated must prove through documents or medical certificates that they belong to one of the groups.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 18, 2020 at 12:00 pm
