Spahn wants to limit his own share of home care to € 700


secondUndes Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to limit the copayment for hospital care in the course of planned care reform. “My suggestion is that home residents pay a maximum of 700 euros a month for hospital care for a maximum of 36 months,” said Spahn of “Bild am Sonntag”. “That would be a maximum of 25,200 euros. Long-term care insurance remains a partial comprehensive insurance. But the participation itself is calculable. “

Spahn justified the planned cap with rising costs. Since 2017, the monthly contribution for hospital care has increased by an average of 238 euros. This is “becoming a problem for more and more families,” the minister said. “People in need of care and their families need to plan for safety. We can do this by limiting our own contribution. “

Contribution to self-care on average almost 800 euros

In general, people in need of care have to contribute more and more out of their own pockets for home care. The national average expires for the last time in 2015 euros per month, according to data from the Association of Substitute Funds (as of July 1). However, there are important regional differences.

On the one hand, the amounts include the copayment for pure care. Because, unlike health insurance, long-term care insurance only covers part of the costs. For residents in the home, there are also costs for accommodation, meals and investments in the homes. Costs are increasing on all fronts. For example, the purely assistance personal contribution has recently increased by a national average to 786 euros per month.
