Spahn: No “pre-lock mode” possible: mega-lock coming now? – Domestic politics


The vaccination against Corona has begun and yet there is no end in sight for the closure, quite the contrary!

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (40, CDU) gives journalists an assessment of the current situation of the pandemic and the start of vaccinations in Germany on Wednesday morning in Berlin, together with Lothar Wieler, president of the Robert Koch Institute, and Klaus Cichutek, director of Paul-Ehrlich. Institute.

You can watch the press conference in a special BILD-LIVE broadcast from 10.50 am

But it is already clear: Spahn expects the crown restrictions to continue after January 10!

“As of today, the numbers are far from where we should go,” Spahn said Tuesday night at the ARD “Tagesthemen.” Therefore, there is no doubt that the actions will continue after January 10. “To what extent, we have to decide with the federal states in early January,” said the minister.

However, it is foreseeable that the numbers will not be so low by then “that we can just go back to pre-lock mode.”

The current contact restrictions, which went into effect on December 16, will continue to apply until January 10. Many people today long for the date as a preliminary end point of action. In vain!

The goal of the nationwide restrictions is to reduce the number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents to a maximum of 50 in one week. On January 5, the heads of government of the federal states want to consult again with Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU). Apparently to extend the confinement.

For the first time, more than 1,000 deaths in 24 hours

In Germany, more than 1,000 people died of coronavirus for the first time in 24 hours: health authorities reported 1,129 new deaths to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). That’s 167 over a week ago.

22,459 new infections were registered. Last Wednesday (December 23) there were 24,740.

Therefore, the number of new infections has fallen much less than expected. Before Christmas, the RKI expected a smaller number by the end of the year.

Factsheet: Crown in Numbers - Infographic

More freedom at least for vaccinated people?

But couldn’t vaccinated people at least have more freedom again? Jens Spahn said on Tuesday on BILD live: “I myself am divided on this question.”

His explanation: “I have the infection behind me and I could start a debate: I am immune. I don’t have to wear a mask anymore. But is that in solidarity? What would be difficult for me, especially in public spaces, where the general rules are at stake, wearing a mask, keeping a distance, for example, that some act or are allowed to act differently from others “.

Spahn: Restaurant visits for “possible” vaccinated people

Spahn also spoke about the question of whether, for example, a pizzeria can be opened to vaccinated people. According to all that can “legally understand”, the open pizzeria for vaccinated is “what is possible”.

▶ ︎ Spahn literally: “First of all, that is really a matter of private law, which also applies to concerts and other events. And I find that there is a difference between state action and public provision for existence: U-Bahn, S-Bahn, how does everyone involved behave? Or if someone just says, also in the private commercial sector, that they just want to open up to Immune or not. ”

Vaccinated people should continue to wear masks.

It is also still not entirely clear to what extent people can remain contagious despite corona vaccination.

Chief Medical Officer of Intensive Care Prof. Dr. Uwe Janssens from the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine eV (DIVI) said on RTL: “The successful vaccine is supposed to capture and kill the virus.” However, viruses may continue to multiply. These would no longer harm the vaccinated patient, but could still spread, says Janssens.

Therefore, the doctor advised the vaccinated people to continue wearing masks and to respect the rules of distance.

What about schools and nurseries?

Another blocking point of contention: what to do next in schools and daycare centers.

► Baden-Württemberg Education Minister Susanne Eisenmann (56, CDU) calls for kindergartens, grades 5-7 and later years to reopen from January 11th, regardless of incidence figures. Eisenmann to BILD: “Even if the closure extends beyond January 10, nurseries and elementary schools should reopen for face-to-face lessons. In these age groups, it is essential that children go to daycare centers and learn in schools. “

According to “Deutschlandfunk”, the president of the SPD, Esken, criticizes it as irresponsible.

► And the education minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Stefanie Hubig (52, SPD), told the “Rheinische Post” that all schools in her state would remain in distance education until mid-January. But their goal is to allow the lessons on site again as quickly as possible, said the president of the Conference of Ministers of Education.

► Thuringian Education Minister Helmut Holter (67, left) was open to easier school exams due to the corona pandemic. “We are now using tests and class work to determine the level of learning among students,” Holter said. At the beginning of the second half of the school year in February, there should be a “clear announcement” from your ministry about how the exams will continue.
