Status: 02/24/2021 3:05 am
Health Minister Spahn will answer questions in the Bundestag today. The opposition is already sharpening its knives. But there is also criticism from the coalition partner, not least because of anger at the rapid tests.
From Lothar Lenz,
ARD capital study
Everyone wants one thing: to relax as soon as possible and with the greatest possible responsibility. The Federal Minister of Health also knows this. But it is part of the image you have of yourself to cushion expectations that are too high.
Lothar Lenz
ARD capital study
“The need to end the lockdown is palpable, it is almost tangible. But we have to be very careful and careful when opening,” Jens Spahn said last Friday. Today he has to face criticism from parliament, and at least the opposition has rhetorically sharpened its knives.
The opposition is very critical
“Corona’s management is a complete catastrophe,” says Amira Mohamed Ali, leader of the left-wing parliamentary group. The federal government does not yet know where exactly many infections occurred.
The AfD is different. She doesn’t think Corona is that bad, but it requires Jens Spahn to make a clear statement. To what number of infections can reopen which industry, the leader of the parliamentary group Alice Weidel wants to know.
The population is deeply insecure because the criteria are constantly changing. What we need are very clear guidelines, very clear criteria.
And above all, you need an outlook for the economy, says Marco Buschmann, parliamentary manager of the FDP parliamentary group. “Germany must not paralyze a state philosophy.” That is why the liberals also ask for a gradual opening plan.
Rapid test problems
What about free quick tests? Jens Spahn had promised that by March 1, the federal states should only discuss it now, on March 3. So Spahn can’t keep his word. The leader of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Ralph Brinkhaus, still has his back turned.
It doesn’t matter if it’s seven days before or seven days after. It is essential that it is properly organized.
But the SPD coalition partner disagrees. The group’s leader, Rolf Mützenich, is clearly at some distance from Jens Spahn and says unflatteringly: “The fact that advertising minister Spahn obviously had to row here has irritated us a lot.”
The first vaccines start today
Meanwhile, Spahn posted a new ad. The agreed early vaccination of teachers and educators could start today. Hundreds of thousands of cans from the manufacturer AstraZeneca are available for the campaign, previously unused in countries, Spahn wrote on Twitter.
The questioning of the Federal Minister of Health at noon in the German Bundestag is scheduled for one hour.