Spahn in Berlin report: “Testing capabilities are widely used”


The health care system is too overloaded to offer a corona test to anyone who is eligible. Health Minister Spahn admitted this in the Berlin report. According to doctors, the situation in intensive care units is worse than in April.

According to Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn, the German health system is currently too overburdened to screen anyone who has had contact with a person infected with corona. The CDU politician rejected criticism of the new Corona strategy with more focused tests Berlin report but back. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has been recommending for months that contact persons of an infected person without symptoms should not get tested, but stay home, Spahn said.

“In a phase like the current one, first you have to test those who have symptoms or belong to the risk group or who work in nursing and health care,” he explained, referring to the high number of infections and overloaded laboratories. “Someone who is a contact but has no symptoms does not need to be tested.” If the capabilities are not fully utilized, you can take the test without symptoms. But that is currently the exception.

Overload not only to health authorities

“We are seeing an increasing overload of the public health system, that is, the health authorities,” Spahn said. “Now we see more and more increasing exposure and the threat of overload in intensive care medicine, in hospitals and doctors’ offices.”

According to the new corona test regulation of the Federal Ministry of Health, which came into effect on October 15, all contact persons identified as such by the doctor or the health department are entitled to a corona test. For example, people who live in a home, work in a business, or are in a school class with a person who has been found to be infected or who have received a warning from the “Corona warning app” within ten days. previous.

Spahn’s Tip: Stay Home, Reduce Contacts

“But that’s only possible within the scope of existing capabilities,” Spahn explained. “At the moment, the capabilities are so widely used that we have to say: if you have no symptoms, stay home, ideally in quarantine, but testing is only possible if the capabilities are free.” It is essential to reduce the number of contacts.

Because the crown numbers remain at a record level. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 16,017 new infections, the highest value for a Sunday. The situation in intensive care units is increasingly tense. The number of corona patients treated there has almost reached its spring peak again. The German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) reported that 2,904 patients with Covid-19 are being treated in intensive care. The previous peak was reached in April with 2,933 patients.

Situation in intensive care units worse than in April

In fact, the situation in the clinics today is even worse than it was in the spring, said DIVI President Uwe Janssens. There are many more infected patients in the other wards, some of whom will still end up in the intensive care units. Unlike in April, this time there will be no slowdown, the increase will continue for the time being, Janssens said.

The reason is that the respective number of new infections is only reflected with a delay in the severe courses and finally in the occupation of intensive care units. “In four weeks we will see the consequences of the maximum values ​​now.” In addition, the proportion of infected older people has risen again since the end of September, according to RKI data. You are at higher risk of getting seriously ill.

Kretschmann: toughen crown requirements?

Therefore, the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, considers an extension and a tightening of the requirements of the crown possible. “When the intensive care units are full, it is too late,” Green politician told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “If there is a threat of this red line being crossed, we cannot avoid tougher measures, possibly very harsh measures, at all.” For example, a further reduction of the contacts is conceivable.

Kretschmann looks with concern at the season of Advent and Christmas. “Unfortunately, I think the Christmas markets are completely out of the question this winter.” New Year’s Eve parties “can also be done with the family, but not big, humid and happy with many friends.”

A report from Berlin reported on this issue on November 8, 2020 at 6:05 pm
