Spahn defends the vaccination strategy: “It is quite fast”


Health Minister Spahn defended the vaccination strategy against the corona virus. The process evolves as initially communicated. However, he wants to speed up vaccinations. The SPD asked Spahn to act together.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has rejected criticism of the vaccination strategy. at ARD morning magazine The minister explained that basically the process is being developed since it has been publicly communicated from the beginning. It was clear that the vaccine would be in short supply at first. It is therefore important now that intermediate goals are achieved, such as vaccination in nursing homes and for people over 75 years of age.

Every effort is currently being made to ensure that as many people as possible are vaccinated. “But I think we also have to be realistic with each other. In many countries around the world it will not be much faster than making this offer towards the summer. It is quite fast.” One thing would be forgotten in this debate, Spahn continued:

“Never before in the history of mankind has there been a vaccine so quickly, a way out of this pandemic as it is now with this pandemic. This success, this confidence that comes from it, we are clouding over this debate.”

Spahn counters the SPD

At this stage of the epidemic, it is important for the government to show unity and determination. It is not good to want to be a government and an opposition at the same time. “In a way, it hasn’t worked well for the SPD for 20 years,” Spahn said, referring to the coalition partner and his massive criticism of the vaccination strategy.

In particular, SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil had complained that Germany was “in a much worse position than other countries.” Very little vaccine had been ordered and “there were hardly any strategies prepared with the federal states.” You can now see “chaotic states”.

Even Volker Wissing, secretary general of the FDP, spared no criticism of Spahn. at ARD morning magazine He said the main problem was that insufficient quantities of vaccine were ordered. “And it is not only the opposition who are surprised by this. Science criticizes the Federal Government. Coalition partners are now arguing about it. And Mr. Söder is also distancing himself from the procurement policy of the Federal Ministry of Health.” In this sense, you can understand this criticism well.

Six instead of five

Spahn referred the ARD morning magazine once again in their efforts to speed up vaccinations. Vaccine production will be accelerated by putting additional plants into operation, for example in Marburg.

Also, one vial of vaccine is enough for six people instead of five. It is also being considered to give the second vaccine at a later date so that more people will receive the first vaccine.

Medical chair for uniform procedure nationwide

To improve the current vaccination situation, Medical President Klaus Reinhardt called for a uniform approach across the country. That should be possible “also and especially in a federal system” for such an important task, he told the Funke media group newspapers.

“A potpourri of country-specific regulations on which population groups are vaccinated first and how vaccination appointments can be arranged only creates uncertainty and questions crisis management,” Reinhardt criticized. He called on the federal-state conference being held today to adopt “binding resolutions” on the matter.

More than 940 dead

Health authorities reported 11,897 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 944 new deaths were recorded in 24 hours, as announced by the RKI in the morning. An interpretation of the data remains difficult because around Christmas and the turn of the year corona cases were discovered, recorded and transmitted late, according to the RKI.

The so-called seven-day incidence was 134.7 based on transmitted values. The value is the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants during this period.
