Spahn at the start of vaccination: “It will shake at first”


The Minister of Health hopes that difficulties will arise at the beginning of the vaccination. One will learn together, Spahn said in the Berlin report. Tomorrow, the EU Medicines Agency wants to decide on a recommendation for the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has rejected criticism that Germany acted too late in acquiring the vaccine and ordered too few doses. at Berlin report said the CDU politician, every vaccine that arrives in Germany will be taken to the vaccination centers as quickly as possible and then administered. “It is scarce for everyone.” The impression that the rest of the world has a lot and Germany has nothing is wrong, Spahn said.

The minister also prepared citizens for initial problems at the beginning of the vaccination campaign. “It will be choppy at first, there is nothing more to talk about,” he said. “We are as well prepared as possible, but now it is happening. When vaccination centers are launched, it will also be important to learn together.

Criticism of Söder and Schwesig

CSU chief Markus Söder had criticized the federal government’s strategy to buy corona vaccines. “We need more speed with the vaccine,” said the Bavarian prime minister of “Bild am Sonntag”. “Everything has to be aimed at obtaining more vaccines, which are then distributed more quickly.” That must be “absolute political priority,” Söder demanded.

Manuela Schwesig, Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, was also concerned about the amount of vaccine available on short notice: “I am concerned that the vaccine will be enough. We have to secure all nursing homes at least in the first round. And that is why it is important that now enough vaccine arrives, “he told RTL.

I am Berlin report Spahn announced additional efforts to increase the availability of vaccines. There are joint efforts with the German manufacturer Biontech, “that there is an additional production plant here in Germany,” Spahn said. He confirmed that he expected three million doses of vaccines available in Germany in January and a total of eleven to 13 million doses from manufacturers Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna for the first quarter.

The EMA’s decision is imminent

The EU drug agency EMA wants to give its evaluation of the first vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer on Monday. Then the approval of the EU Commission is awaited. After approval, vaccination should start as soon as possible, in Germany probably from December 27.

Vaccinations should start, among other things, first in nursing homes. Local authorities are responsible for vaccinating people in need of care who do not live at home, Spahn said. There, concepts would be developed for them analogous to the existing medical care for those affected.
