Söder Wants Crown Relief: Cabinet Meets Today – Bavaria leads sad list of results


Even if Bavaria continues to lead the list of affected incidents at the national level, the Bavarian cabinet is meeting today. Later, further easing will be announced at a press conference.

  • The head of CSU, Söder, announced on Monday morning, February 22, new openings for all of Bavaria. (see update for February 22 at 9:54 am at the bottom). Today the cabinet meets to make specific decisions (see Update on February 23 at 6.53 am).
  • Chancellor Merkel is probably working on a plan to implement an opening strategy. (see update of February 22 at 10.30 am)
  • This ticker is continually updated.

Update on February 23 at 6.53 am.: Bavaria remains the sad leader on Corona’s target list in Germany. With three counties, Bavaria leads this in terms of 7-day incidents. At the top is still Tirschenreuth with 355 cases an average of 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants. They are followed by Wunsiedel (307) and Weiden (253). However, from Markus Söder’s point of view, there is obviously room for relaxation. Today, the Bavarian Cabinet meets to discuss these specifically. Of course, Söder revealed in advance what would be decided. Nurseries, garden markets, and flower shops are also supposed to open on March 1.

February 22 update at 8:12 pm.: Following the agreement of the federal and state governments Monday night to prioritize the workforce of elementary and special schools, as well as child care facilities, higher for coronavirus vaccines and thus allow those affected to have a earlier vaccination appointment, Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) on the impact of these decisions on the state’s vaccination strategy. The approximately 200,000 employees in Bavarian schools and kindergartens should be vaccinated as soon as possible. But this should be just the beginning, Holetschek continues: “Now we have to switch to the vaccination turbo together.”

Corona in Munich: faster vaccinations in schools and kindergartens – Holetschek is serious

In view of the infection process and the rapid spread of virus mutations, no further delays can be allowed. Therefore, according to Holetschek, the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Astrazeneca should now also be offered as soon as possible, even if many people are critical of the Astrazeneca vaccine and rule out vaccination with it. The main reasons for this are reports of possible side effects from the vaccine and reduced efficacy compared to the Biontech Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. “I want us to vaccinate the safe and effective Astrazeneca vaccine as soon as possible,” Holetschek said in his statement.

As the federal and state governments announced in the evening, teachers must now move from the third to the second group of the vaccination sequence. The federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), has prepared a draft amendment to the vaccination ordinance, which is expected to take effect next Wednesday (February 24).

Corona: The owners are demanding the opening of open bar areas. Will easing follow soon?

Update February 22, 1:17 pm: After the spring weekend, Bavarian innkeepers demand the opening of gardens and bar areas. “We are calling for additional safe areas to be created outdoors,” Dehoga Hotel and Restaurant Association State Manager Thomas Geppert said Monday. People’s drive to go out is great in good weather. That currently leads to stacks at some meeting points. The opening of the outdoor catering would avoid uncontrolled accumulations both in public and private spaces and would equalize the meeting points ”.

Corona: After the Söder bang in Munich, does Merkel also plan to relax?

February 22 update at 10.30 am.: Markus Söder announced new openings for Bavaria this Monday morning. (see an update below in the text). Now, Chancellor Merkel (CDU) also seems to want to target new openings, such as picture reported. “There is a legitimate yearning for an opening,” quotes the leaf The chancellor. Consequently, Merkel wants to plan “four initial steps”. It’s unclear what exactly they should look like they say Newspaper Follow, continue. “A smart opening strategy is needed for private contacts, schools, universities, vocational schools, restaurants, sports clubs, etc.”, said the Chancellor. picture according to more.

Update on February 22 at 9:54 am.: “We are now in a very delicate and difficult phase of the pandemic,” begins Markus Söder in his statement. On the one hand, calls for relaxation are getting louder, on the other hand, concern about mutations is increasing. This can also be seen in the numbers, which are currently stagnating, in some cases even increasing. “It can be shown that the mutation is increasing,” says Söder. If you’re not careful now, you could be in a situation similar to last December in three to four weeks.

Crown lock: Söder makes a statement: third wave is coming?

“If the British mutant takes control of the permanent domain, it will be a big challenge in the coming weeks to get the vacancy people’s wishes in the right balance,” explains the Prime Minister. Politicians now have to give a perspective that focuses on safety and precaution. Otherwise, a third wave threatens. “We want to protect and breathe at the same time,” sums up the CSU chief the goals for next week. It will open where possible, it will lengthen where the numbers stagnate, and it will always close where the numbers rise again.

The most important cornerstone to combat the pandemic remains vaccination, here it will be discussed whether teachers and educators will advance the list of priorities. But rapid tests also need to be massaged as quickly as possible. “Millions of rapid tests will be needed in Germany every day,” Söder said. This also requires a digital form in order to present the proof. Then the Prime Minister moves on to the current situation in Bavaria. Border districts and “hot spots” continued to be a major concern, Söder said. A repeal of the rules is out of the question there, he clearly states.

Corona: Söder talks about flexibilization: retail, sports, culture – possible openings soon?

On the other hand, there are also counties and cities where the numbers are falling. “It is not a date that decides, the numbers decide.” No new guidelines will be added to the target incidence of 35. “For those that fall below the value of 35, there should be clear relief,” says Söder. Therefore, the current situation requires a locally differentiated approach. When the incidence is less than 35, more contacts will be allowed. Schools would also continue to have the highest priority. Trade will also open “naturally” if the number of new infections remains low.

Corona: Söder announces relaxation: not only hairdressers can open from March

Starting next week, that is, on March 1, not only will hairdressers be allowed to open. Markus Söder announced that flower shops and nurseries can also reopen. There should also be vacancies among care providers. This also means, for example, that foot care stores can welcome customers again. These regulations apply to the entire Free State. The reason for the opening of the nurseries is the perishable products they offer.

Corona closure: Söder’s declaration from Munich: vacancies far away?

Update on February 22 at 9:40 am.: The statement from the head of CSU, Söder, of Munich is expected in just under five minutes. It is hoped that the Prime Minister will reassess the situation of the crown in Bavaria in view of the increasing numbers. We will summarize the statements here in a few moments.

First report of February 22, 2021

Munich – For a long time, the crown situation in Munich, Bavaria and Germany seemed to relax rapidly in a very short time. The Bavarian capital was the first city in the state to break the significant incidence of 50 in 7 days, and it was also able to reach 30 shortly thereafter. However, for a few days, the numbers have risen again, not just in Munich. At the last federal-state summit, easing measures were tied to a new benchmark. This seems to be a long way off due to the new trend.

Crown lock: did the positive trend end in Munich? Söder comments on the situation

A few weeks ago, Chancellor Merkel decided on the reference value of an incidence of 35 to achieve relaxation. In Munich it has been below this value for several days. On February 16 the “magic number” was deciphered. Currently, the RKI (as of February 22) places the incidence in Munich at 32.5. The trend in Munich is no longer declining, but is increasing again, albeit very slowly. CSU chief Markus Söder was optimistic, yet concerned, in his latest remarks about the crown pandemic. The mutant Crown of Great Britain, B.1.1.7, is causing great concern, we must continue to act with prudence and good sense, do not rush anything.

Corona closure: Söder statement eagerly awaited: next summit already a problem?

At 9.45am on Monday (February 22), the Prime Minister will comment on the current situation again. Before the CSU routine video change, Söder wants to briefly summarize the situation. It can be assumed that the next federal-state conference could already be the topic. On March 3, Chancellor Merkel and the country’s leaders will meet for the next round of Corona. It shouldn’t be easier than the previous times.
