Söder: The Office for the Protection of the Constitution should take a better look at “lateral thinkers”


According to Prime Minister Markus Söder, the protection of the Constitution should deal more intensively with the radical elements of the so-called lateral thinkers movement.

Söder on lateral thinkers: cult development

He is very concerned about the development of the movement against the crown measures, Söder told the BR. The so-called lateral thinkers developed “partly as a cult.” “Everyone should look closely at who they are demonstrating with,” the Prime Minister warned once again.

“There is a growing conglomerate of right-wing extremists, Reich citizens, anti-Semites and absurd conspiracy theorists who even accuse the policy of Satanism,” Söder said. With anti-Semitism, conspiracy theories and the state are challenged and you shouldn’t look the other way. The protection of the constitution must “examine very closely what is unfolding.” Many of the groups involved in the demonstrations wanted “another state.”

Söder: Even the citizens of the Reich were underrated at first

Söder referred to the example of the citizens of the Reich, who were initially underestimated by the authorities. But later it was experienced that the citizens of the Reich, despite their “completely absurd” ideas, “can represent a serious threat to the state and life.”

The Bavarian head of government said he had “the disturbing feeling that something similar is looming among some of the lateral thinkers.”

Protests against the crown take place in Bavaria on weekends

Observing last week’s demonstration in Leipzig, where riots broke out, and the anti-crown protests announced this weekend in Bavaria, Söder said that the Basic Law protects the right to demonstrate and freedom of assembly, “but the Basic Law does not guarantees, for example, to violate goods of greater value such as the protection of life and physical integrity. And the Basic Law certainly does not guarantee violence “. Mask requirements will also apply at the event.

Last Saturday, a demonstration by the so-called lateral thinking movement against the crown restrictions intensified in the center of Leipzig. At the meeting with around 20,000 participants, there were numerous violations of the infection protection requirements. There were also violent clashes and attacks after the police prematurely broke up the demonstration due to violation of Corona rules. The protesters were then able to march unhindered through the city center of Leipzig by the police.

Protection of the Constitution: mobilization for events through social networks

In response to a request from BR, the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution announced that the majority of lateral thinking events in Bavaria were not recorded or controlled by known people from extremist backgrounds. “However, there was also a mobilization for such events on social media channels used by right-wing extremists, as well as Reich citizens and self-administrators,” he continues.

In accordance with the protection of the constitution, people can also be found in the demonstrations belonging to the extreme right-wing spectrum oriented towards violence, as well as the citizens of the Reich and the self-government arena. “The influence of conspiracy theories, in particular the QAnon conspiracy theory, has been and is being analyzed and evaluated with respect to the extremist components it contains,” a spokesman for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution told BR. of the State of Bavaria.
