Social associations and refugees: integration with double standards


Social associations emphasize how well the refugees have integrated.
Image: dpa

Social associations emphasize how well the refugees have integrated. But then they complain about Hartz IV, which many refugees refer to. This shows that they are using the refugees for their ideological purposes.

WITHUnsafe and positive thinking is more pleasant than blackmailing and nagging. In the best of cases, other people can even become infected, which can change reality in a positive way. In theory, that could explain why social organizations are now particularly interested in emphasizing how well refugees can integrate: In the five years since Chancellor Merkel’s “We can do it,” they have made much better progress than expected.

Unfortunately, this point of view is particularly noteworthy because the same stakeholders usually only paint the social conditions in the darkest colors. The Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband has just put on another layer: “Millions of people” are “disconnected, excluded and left behind”. Thus, accompanied by the usual political echo, he summarizes his most recent inventory of Hartz IV basic security.
