Snow storm! Hail! – THE EVIL GIANT IS COMING – News Inland


Berlin – In the north there is the threat of a snowstorm and freezing cold, in central Germany freezing rains are expected, in the south it is spring.


Infographic: snow and freezing rain in Germany

Over the weekend, a vortex of cold arctic air from the north is said to collapse over Germany with warm air masses from the south. “The effects of this meteorological situation will be dramatic,” warns Franz Molé, forecasting chief of the German Meteorological Service (DWD).

The scene of the disaster

► People in the north should be prepared for the power outage, according to DWD.

Because: On Sunday night and Sunday, there is a threat of up to 16 inches of fresh snow in twelve hours!

Northwest Germany should be the worst hit, especially Lower Saxony and northern North Rhine-Westphalia. But also in the rest of northern Germany you can expect up to 25 centimeters of snow.

► Strong to stormy easterly winds of up to 70 km / h mean extreme snow accumulations can be expected.

According to the DWD, it might be impossible to get out of the house due to the black ice!

Because: Freezing rain and black ice could give rise to layers of ice several centimeters thick, until Sunday night.

Auf den Straßen kann es sehr glatt werdenPhoto: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

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It can get very slippery on the streets Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Thuringia, Northern Bavaria and South Saxony are particularly threatened by freezing rain. Traffic chaos threatens!

► Trees and pipes can collapse under snow and ice throughout Germany.

Molé was worried: “It will shake from Saturday in the second half of the day.”

How Roads Get Mirror Smooth - Here's How Black Ice, Black Ice In Winter - Infographic

The Technische Hilfswerk (THW) is preparing for the expected chaos!

Vehicles are filled with antifreeze and snow chains are fitted. The highway maintenance depots in the north are ready with 100 cleaning and cleaning vehicles, the railway has cleaning teams for stations and cleaning vehicles for the rails.

Die Dresdner AltstadtPhoto: Robert Michael / dpa

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Snow in the old town of Dresden Photo: Robert Michael / dpa

Train cancellations and delays are to be expected! According to Deutsche Bahn, tickets for long-distance transport could be canceled free of charge or used the following week.

In southern Germany, on the other hand, a stormy southern foehn should bring maximum values ​​of up to 15 degrees.
