Skeptics of the new Crown year: Germans see no light at the end of the tunnel


Skeptical of the new year Corona
The Germans see no light at the end of the tunnel

Germany has been waiting for the corona vaccine all year. Now it is there. But the mood in society remains pessimistic. According to a survey, hardly anyone can imagine that the pandemic will soon end.

Germans are largely skeptical about the future development of the crown crisis in the coming year. According to a survey conducted by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency, only one in four (26 percent) believe that the pandemic will be largely overcome by 2021. Two-thirds, on the other hand, they believe that the dangerous virus continues to affect people’s lives in Germany throughout the year. 22 percent even expect a serious disability.

YouGov surveyed people between December 21 and 23, 2035, at a time when the start of vaccination in Germany on December 27 was already safe. The results were weighted and are representative of the German population aged 18 and over.

The pandemic arrived in Germany just under a year ago. The first infection was known on January 27 in Bavaria. Since then, more than 1.6 million people have been infected and more than 30,000 have died. The economic recession as a result of the pandemic has left many people in serious financial distress. However, the start of the largest vaccination campaign in German history last Sunday is hopeful. Health Minister Jens Spahn said of the start of vaccination: “The fall, winter and Christmas of next year should no longer be characterized by this pandemic.”

Beginning of the end?

Many people in Germany still don’t seem to really believe in salvation from the corona virus. According to the YouGov poll, hardly anyone expects a complete return to normalcy.

  • Only 9 percent of those surveyed believe that protective masks will completely disappear from everyday life. 84 percent, on the other hand, expect their mouths and noses to be covered at least in some public places until the end of the year. Currently, there is a mask requirement in stores and public transportation.
  • Only one in five (20 percent) anticipate that Bundesliga games will be played again in front of full ranks before the end of 2021. A clear majority of 54 percent do not believe in it.
  • Only 7 percent of those surveyed expect that cinemas, theaters or concert halls can be visited again without restrictions on the number of visitors or hygiene rules. However, 72 percent expect that cultural institutions will be able to open during the year under certain conditions. 12 percent think they will remain closed.
  • Only one in ten (9 percent) believe they can go anywhere on vacation again in the summer. 77 percent don’t see it coming. Currently, the federal government has classified nearly 150 of around 200 countries around the world as risk areas and cautions against traveling there. Although this does not mean a travel ban, it should have the greatest possible deterrent effect on tourists.
  • Regarding the economic situation, next year is evaluated a little worse than the current one. 30 percent of those surveyed say they will have suffered financial loss in 2020. By next year, even 35 percent fear that. 52 percent, on the other hand, do not think it will be materially worse.

The start of the vaccination campaign on December 27 has been commented by many politicians as a possible turning point, as the beginning of the end of the pandemic. But hardly anyone dares to make a clear forecast. Chancellor Chief Helge Braun said recently in a “Bild” interview: “I think the pandemic will gradually lose its horror in 2021. But no one can say how far we will really go.”
