Silvio Berlusconi: Image polishing with political maneuvers


At the age of 84, Silvio Berlusconi was really able to relax. In late summer, many Italians were still shaking for their health, half of his clan had been infected with the corona virus while on vacation in Sardinia, and the billionaire ended up in hospital with severe pneumonia. “It was one of the worst experiences of my life,” he said. But this crisis ended happily.

And his love life also seems more stable again, if you believe the Italian press: the relationship with a former showgirl has failed: the ex-girlfriend received a payment of 20 million and is now in a relationship with a prominent singer. But the »Cavaliere«, write the newspapers, has also found »a new flame«. MP Marta Fascina has already moved into her 72-room Villa San Martino near Milan and at 31 is even younger than her predecessor.

Only in politics Berlusconi fails to calm down, although the judiciary banned it for years in Italy. The former prime minister continues to try to influence the course of Rome. Even if his party, Forza Italia, in the right-wing opposition, only got a seven percent approval according to polls. And even if younger, more aggressive and more successful politicians like Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni dominate the conservative camp.
