“Silent march” in Prenzlauer Berg: protesters wear masks – arrests only for counter-protesters – Berlin


In Berlin, several thousand opponents of the crown policy of the federal and state governments have taken to the streets since 12 noon this Sunday. 5,000 participants registered for the demonstration in Prenzlauer Berg, known as the “silent march”.

At around 12.30pm, however, only about 400 people reached the starting point of the demonstration on the Bornholmer bridge. The police currently assume about 1,000 participants and about a hundred counter-protesters, a spokeswoman said.

Meanwhile, the train continues on Greifswalder Straße. Most of the participants wear masks and keep their distance. Police tweeted that they were on duty for the demonstrations announced today with around 600 officers.

Our Tagesspiegel reporter on the scene reports that there is a heavy police presence in the neighborhood. There are also massive protests by local residents against the protesters. On Bornholmer Strasse and Schönhauser Allee, residents drummed pots to disrupt the protest. A loud concert of whistles and horns can be heard.

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At the corner of Schönhauser Strasse and Bornholmer Strasse, around 200 counter-protesters have positioned themselves behind a barrier. “You should be ashamed of yourself!” it’s on a banner. The counter-protesters are made up of local residents, some with children, and part of the left-wing spectrum; the black block is also visible.

As the protesters march down the street, the counter-protesters are on the sidewalk. They are only separated by a row of parked cars.

According to a police spokeswoman, there have been isolated arrests as counter-protesters took to the streets to block the protest march. But the police stopped them immediately.

Participants want to “speak” and “protect the Basic Law”

The protesters demand with a sign: “We have to talk.” Because you have to sit together at a table, explains a participant in the so-called silent march. Now it’s about “protecting the Basic Law,” says the protester. In any case, the corona measures are “scientific nonsense.” When asked what he thinks of the fact that Reich citizens and right-wing extremists also participate in these demonstrations, the protester replies: “There are always people who want mischief, but shouldn’t we go out on the street for that?”

One resident sees it differently: he is horrified that “so many people follow stupid slogans,” says a man who has stopped with a sign on the side of the road. There are many more counter-protesters than skeptics of Corona in the place.
