Should we cancel Christmas this year?


In little more than two weeks it will be Christmas Eve, and millions of people will travel throughout the republic for it. The federal government considers this to be justifiable despite the high number of corona cases. But experts vehemently disagree.

Christmas is just around the corner, the number of deaths per wreath is high. However, restrictions should be relaxed during the holidays. In view of the high risk of infection, is such a regulation even sensible? Politicians and experts disagree on this.

Epidemiologist Markus Scholz from the University of Leipzig has a clear opinion on whether Christmas should be celebrated this year. “In any case, explicit easing before the holidays should be avoided. That would be a completely wrong signal,” he told t-online. Since a significant reduction in the incidence of infections is no longer possible shortly before Christmas, “currently only people themselves can help ensure that Christmas does not contribute to a significant increase in the incidence of infections through extensive self-isolation before and after holidays and small group celebrations. ” Visits between families should be avoided as much as possible.

“Worrying situation in Saxony”

Especially in Saxony, the situation is more than worrying. “In principle, it was already clear by mid-November that the current weak measures were not having a sufficient braking effect,” said Scholz.

In his opinion, there is currently no room for easing. The idea that measures taken in November should allow for a largely safe Christmas would not have come true. “Therefore, the question arises whether it would not make more sense to brake harder and shorter, since otherwise there are also no prospects for easing in the medium term,” he said.

Söder considers relaxation during Christmas justifiable

In the opinion of the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, the planned relaxation of the wreath requirements during Christmas is also justifiable in the current situation of the pandemic. “I think we need a balance between empathy and rationality,” the CSU chief said on Monday before a party executive video conference in Munich. Of course, it could also be said that the stricter rules will continue through Christmas, but he believes the exception is justifiable.

“Corona doesn’t give up and we have to react to that,” Söder said, defending the stricter corona measures for Bavaria announced on Sunday. It is not what you want, but it is necessary. “We have to act sooner rather than later,” Söder said. It is unacceptable for a person in Germany to die every four minutes as a result of the coronavirus.

“Prudence, caution, personal responsibility”

“What we need is prudence, caution and personal responsibility,” said Matthias Kopp, press spokesman for the German Episcopal Conference, t-online. One would have learned from the experiences of the pandemic around Easter time. Comprehensive hygiene and safety concepts for all parishes in Germany have proven their worth since June and will also be implemented in these difficult weeks, Kopp explained.

Christmas depends not only on churches, but on society and how people care for each other. After all, that is charity too. “It will be another Christmas, perhaps a little more thoughtful, because – in the face of the pandemic – we suddenly realize our limits, perhaps also our helplessness. And this is precisely why Christmas takes place: to break these limits, this impotence is a sign of hope, of light, “said the spokesman for the German Bishops’ Conference.

“The worst would be if the number of cases increased significantly after Christmas”

The press spokesman for the Bremen Catholic Community Association, Christof Haverkamp, ​​knows that this Christmas can only be celebrated under certain conditions. Therefore, fewer visitors are expected for the Christmas mass, TV or radio services are offered, as well as live broadcast services. “The worst would be if the number of cases increased significantly after Christmas,” Haverkamp admitted.

But Christmas shouldn’t be canceled this year. “Especially in difficult times it is necessary to remember the good news that God has become man, and that is the core of Christmas.” The Christmas story of the Bible has its place this year. It also contains a message of hope. “It is particularly important not to forget the elderly, lonely and sick,” Haverkamp cautions.

Jürgen Gerhards, Professor of Sociology at the Free University of Berlin, also emphasized the importance of the festival in an interview with t-online. Family celebration continues to be very important in society. “Most people want to spend Christmas with their family. That means there are two big problems during this time: getting to the family and the time they spend together with the family.”

This increases the probability of infection, estimates the sociologist, “also because no one will sit under the Christmas tree wearing a mask.” See politics as a dilemma. Because: “The state does not have access to the privacy of the festival and cannot control it. Politicians can only make themselves unpopular with restrictions at Christmas,” says the professor.

“Attack on autonomy”

Christmas is increasingly becoming an area of ​​tension for German parties, says political expert Wolfgang Schroeder of the Berlin Science Center. “Politicians know that it feels like an attack on their autonomy, on their family existence,” he tells t-online. Only those who communicate transparently can counter this. “It is like this: at this moment, two hearts beat at the heart of politics. On the one hand, for protecting and caring for people, and on the other, for making the celebration of Christmas possible ”. This tension cannot be ignored.

Karl Lauterbach sees it that way too. “Unfortunately, focusing on critical points is no longer enough,” said the SPD health expert for t-online. “The next three months will be the hardest of the pandemic. We finally need to control the situation again. The critical points are not close enough,” he is sure.

More than 12,000 positive tests reported in Germany

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported an increase in new infections in Germany from 12,332 to more than 1,183 million on Monday. The number of people who have died related to the coronavirus increases from 147 to 18,919. This increases the so-called seven-day incidence in Germany to a new high of 145.9.

Due to the persistently high level of new infections, German hospitals have called for the wreath relief to be removed during Christmas and New Years. Lighter regulations, for example for contact restrictions, could “lead to an increase in the number of infections, with more consequences for clinics,” said the director of the German Hospital Society (DKG), Gerald Gaß, the ” Handelsblatt “.

Federal and state politicians had already called for stricter restrictions on access points with a very high number of corona infections. The Bavarian cabinet decided on new measures on Sunday. Another meeting of the federal and state governments is also scheduled before Christmas. So far, a new prime minister conference is scheduled for January 4.
