Severe Allergic Reaction After Corona Vaccination in Alaska


In Alaska, a healthcare worker suffered a severe allergic reaction after a corona vaccination with the active ingredient Biontech Pfizer. It was not the first problem with the Mainz vaccine.

In the US state of Alaska, a healthcare worker suffered a severe allergic reaction after a corona vaccination with the active ingredient Biontech Pfizer. The person was treated in hospital after the vaccination, the “New York Times” reported Wednesday.

“We do not yet have all the details on the Alaska report of a possible severe allergic reaction, but we are working with local health authorities to evaluate it,” said US pharmaceutical company Pfizer. All reports of possible allergic reactions are tracked.

Allergic reactions also in the UK

Last week, two employees of the British national health service NHS had shown allergic reactions after being vaccinated. Then the British Medicines Agency advised against injecting the Biontech Pfizer vaccine into anyone with a “significant” history of allergies. Both NHS staff members had that story.

The US drug regulatory authority, FDA, issued an emergency approval for the vaccine from the Mainz-based pharmaceutical company and its US partner last week. He cautioned that people with known allergies to the ingredients should avoid vaccination. In the UK, the vaccination campaign started on Tuesday last week. In the United States it started on Monday.

The United States awaits approval of a second vaccine

An independent vaccination committee will examine a request from the US pharmaceutical company Moderna for its corona vaccine on Thursday and then provide a recommendation to the FDA. This could mean that a second vaccine could be approved in the United States this week.

In Germany, the Conference of Health Ministers (GMK) of the federal states is preparing for the start of the corona vaccination at the national level on December 27, as announced by the Berlin Senate on Wednesday evening.
